Jon Adams


Jon Adams
Tiffin, OH
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A Minority Of One

Life & Events > Monday Opinions ...

Monday Opinions ...

I think Pres.-Elect Obama has the right to pick whomever he wishes to say the invocation at the Inaugural. Who says the prayer should not be the choice of opinionated crybabies.

Everybody has an opinion. Let them say their own prayer then.


One good thing: Pres. Obama will end the ban on government support for stem cell research. That will happen on Jan. 21st. It is certain to reduce and eventually eliminate animal experimentation. About time (Eight years late!)


Hobbes is scratching at the closet door again. He suspects it is the location of the toy bags. I told him we have four more days until Christmas.


I awoke to the cold day. It got down to minus four degrees here last night. The wind chill was off the scale but the TV said it was about minus 25. I may have to add more Tequila to my car radiator.


Warm up your car before you drive it away. The radiator is the part that remains cold the longest. You don't want to crack your engine block or blow our the hoses. I never move an inch from my parking spot until that engine heat gauge is fully in the middle of the dial. Sometimes it takes ten minutes, but it can save hundreds and hundreds of dollars in repairs.


Last night's football game was a classic. The Giants and the Carolina team battled down to the overtime wire. Both teams will probably meet in the playoffs. It was a toss-up.
Meanwhile, my Browns and the Bengals battled each other in a pillow fight over the better spot in the draft this Spring. Browns are still with only 4 wins. Cinci now has 3. Next week the Browns play a tough one, so I'm hoping they lose and keep the good draft position. No matter what, Detroit will get the first spot in the draft. They will take Tim Tebow.


Either this week or next, the Browns will fire their entire coaching staff and maybe their general manager. They should start trade talks too. I don't want to see some of the same players in brown and orange again. Brady Quinn will be next year's starting QB.


I need to visit Family Dollar today and buy a cheap cake plate and cover. I also need a tube of Crazy Glue to fix a skillet handle.


Bisbee is watching Playhouse Disney. His favorite shows are Happy Monster Band, The Doodlebops and Higgleytown Heroes. You should hear him screech and chirp!


My Mom was truly and righteously pissed yesterday. I had called the center Saturday night to ask them to tell her that we would not be going for Brunch Sunday due to the awful cold and ferocious wind. They did that. She called yesterday to ask why I didn't come and take her to Brunch. I reminded her about the call I made but she couldn't remember it. When I told her about the cold and wind she understood. Then she asked me what day it was.

"Sunday, Mom. It's Sunday."

She then got angry again and claimed I never told her it would be too cold to take her to TJ Willie's.

She is 90.


The ice has been breaking off the trees and eaves in the wind. It falls like hail on the ice-covered ground and sidewalks. All night it sounded like someone was tossing ball bearings against the house.


I bought a can of that seafoam green "pet safe" artificial sidewalk salt. I spread it on the walks and the front steps, but it didn't work. I still had a half bag of halite salt and used it out back. Out back it worked. The pet safe version may be good for pets paws but it doesn't melt the ice. Ten bucks down the proverbial drain.


Back to work.

posted on Dec 22, 2008 7:49 AM ()


Hmmmm I hadn't thought about the animal testing aspect of stem cell research....
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 23, 2008 12:21 PM ()
Obama is trying to reach out. I am afraid some on the left are going to be disappointed as he moves more to the middle than the far left. He is being pragmatic.
We are starting to warm up here. At least my pipes have thawed.
comment by grumpy on Dec 23, 2008 7:28 AM ()
God bless your Mom....I know it's hard for you~
and Hobbes? Well, he probably knows alot more than
you think.ummm, maybe I better ask him.
comment by cindy on Dec 22, 2008 9:18 PM ()
your right if they weren't bitching about that they would be bitching about something else.
comment by butterfly1969 on Dec 22, 2008 3:05 PM ()
Tim Tebow's parents are missionaries, so I guess he can go on his own mission to the Motor City...
comment by looserobes on Dec 22, 2008 12:22 PM ()
Of course Obama has the right to choose just as Bush did. But he chose a bigot, just as Bush would haved -- someone against choice, against gay rights, in favor of total male domination at home, would fire every woman in government if he could. He is honoring an evangelical and I had hoped we were through giving honors and enabling those would turn us back to the 17th century. I have already written Obama hq, Clinton hq, and am not done.
comment by tealstar on Dec 22, 2008 12:16 PM ()
I am glad you are doing all right after the ice storm. and thanks for the tip on warming up the car. my car is 10 yrs old and I sure don't need it breaking!
we have the wind here today, going down to 15 degrees tonight. then wednesday it will be 50 degrees.
comment by elkhound on Dec 22, 2008 11:56 AM ()
The people complaining the most about Obama's pick are the news people. I do believe they will resort to any lengths to try to make mountains of molehills. Who gives a flying flip anyway?
comment by redimpala on Dec 22, 2008 11:46 AM ()
I heard on the noon news today that they weren't salting the roads because the salt doesn't work when the temps are so cold. The wind has finally died down here but I would take that any day over the sound of ball bearings hitting the house all night long. If this crazy weather continues, I'm going to have to lager in too and invest a fifth of tequila to get me through.
comment by busymichmom on Dec 22, 2008 9:56 AM ()
Oh,I cannot say bi tch?
comment by fredo on Dec 22, 2008 9:53 AM ()
Sorry,I thought that you said Money Opinion
Your right,we have too many cry babies out there.
For goodness leave things along.No one is happy about anything.
All they do is #####,#####.
comment by fredo on Dec 22, 2008 9:53 AM ()

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