My car is useless. It has several inches of snow all over it and a good half inch of solid ice beneath the snow. The doors and windows are solidly frozen shut. I can turn both sides' locks open and closed but no matter how hard I yank I can't open or even crack the doors. Hairdryer? Won't reach. I can get the long extension cord within fifty feet of it. That's all. (It is always parked off-street in my little lot on the back alley, 115 to 120 feet from the house.) If I could get in the car, the windshield would take forever to melt. The wipers are inside a good inch and a half of ice.
Pouring hot water on the door? That will freeze the door locks up once the water cools. It happened to me in the early 1970's.
All this is happening here to people other than me. The storm dropped sleep and freezing rain in buckets just before the cold front turned it into snow.
So I must wait for a thaw and there is none in sight.
Damn good thing I brought in my SuperTramp CDs before the storm hit!