Doobie (the cat behind Rosie) goes to the Vet this morning for his neutering procedure. He will be back home tomorrow (Thursday) minus some body parts.
posted on Aug 20, 2008 3:46 AM ()
Ah, poor little Doobie. Hopefully this makes him a happier kitty cat.
I took my first two (now gone, my sweet boys Scratch and Sniff) to the vet when they were 7 months old. They were so groggy when they came back they tried to jump on the bed and couldn't. So I helped them up and we cuddled.
Good to hear Doobie is doing better.
Hope he's doing okay now...
Doesn't sound like fun, but it a good thing to do for them!
Good luck Doobie! You'll never be the same again, poor kitty!
3:00 p.m. EDT... He survived the operation and is resting, meaning he is sleeping off the stupor. I will call again tomorrow morning to get the pick-up time to bring the cat home.
Snip, snip...
Dobbie will be fine
Poor Dobbie, but it happens to the best of them. He will be bounding around again in a couple of days! AJ
Just curious, Jon, but why didn't you neuter Doobie when he was a little fellow?
They look like twins!
Poor Dobbie~ Best wishes kitty friend.
Oh my. I have a pair of kittens who look exactly like your two. Now I know where they dissapear to.
I hope Doobie's discomfort results in less stress for Bunjii.Laurie
Doobie is a dead ringer for my late Elvis. When he went to have the Big Snip (over Mr. Bugg's strong reservations) he wouldn't come out of his cat carrier for hours afterward and turned his back on us as every opportunity. He eventually got over it but he was in a mood for days. Well, I don't 'aspose I can blame him. Hope for a speedy recovery for Doobie.
reguards yer and Mr. Bugg walked funny for days in sympathy pal bugg
Sending hugs for Doobie, he isn't gonna have a great day..