The Vet called.
Although it doesn't look good, there is still some hope.
He told me there isn't evidence that the fibrous sarcoma has metastisized. He also informed me that the Veterinarian world has been looking at evidence for the past few years that this type of tumor is a result of innoculations being given in certain locations on cats.
For instance, Feline Leukemia shots are generally administered at the right shoulder (where Bunjii's tumor appeared.) Other shots such as Rhino and FIP are then administered at the left shoulder and on the hip.
Sometimes these shots are grouped and given in a single place.
For some reason the shots have been linked to the incidence of tumor orgination.
That's one item. The other is that we will have to regularly check for regrowth on Bunjii. It will include radiographs (X-ray, scans & etc.) to look for tumors.
He mentioned that the location was in a critical muscle area where the surgery was limited in the amount of tissue that could be removed. Usually the surgery for a tumor would take out 3 cm of tissue around the tumor area. That was not possible.
Next Friday he goes back for suture removal and I am taking in his California medical records so they can check for the location of his previous shots.
After that, we wait, check and keep praying.
He said that one way of getting at a tumor early in that area of the body would be to amputate the limb. I said I would never agree to that.
So there is no prognosis. There is only hope, prayer and love.
We have to cling to those three.
In the meantime, I have five indoor cats. They will never again get shots. Indoor cats do not need them.
All of these cases show a 22 percent incidence of metastization. I am hoping that he is not one of those.
Thanks for your care, concern and especially the prayers.
We go on.