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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > A Weekend to Celebrate?

A Weekend to Celebrate?

Well, yeah, it's Memorial Day. That calls for remembrance. My buddy who was in the navy who now has bladder cancer from exposure to leakage of agent orange on his ship is scheduled to start chemo again after they treat an infection (again). He ends up with an infection every time they go into his bladder, but he's an optimist.

The doc told him that when chemo starts, he'll have good and bad days for a long time to come--even after the chemo ends. I mused about removal of the bladder instead, which is an option, but he says if he lives to be 85 or 90 he'd rather have a bladder than a bag. With that attitude he'll have a good shot.

As for the title of the post with the question mark: It's two years ago this weekend that the garage burned to the ground almost taking the house with it. And it's one year since my last attack of pancreatits and blood poisoning and gall bladder removal. Must be something there to celebrate! The new garage is nice, it has doors that open and close, which is always a plus, and without a gb, I'm probably safe from pancreatitis, since it was the sludge produced in the gall bladder that lead to the attacks.

No new pics of the house yet, although the soffitts and fascia are complete. There are still a few large windows that need to be glazed and all the windows and back door need to be painted to mach the brown trim color of the house. I'd like to get a good price from a competent pro, but it looks like I'll be doing it myself. The crew still has to come back once more to install sno guards around the vent pipes and I have since noticed leakage in the rain gutters which needs to be addressed, but these are minor issues. I'm sure they'll get to it when the sno guards are delivered.

We had hot weather in March, as did most of the country, so some vegetation was damaged when conditions returned to normal in April. The freeze killed off the May flies, which is really nice. Hopefully we'll have enough bees, tho, to pollinate the tomatoes and squash. I took a chance on frost and planted squash seed and cukes a few weeks ago, and lucked out. Tomato and pepper plants went in this morning. Unless something seriously unexpected happens, like a long wet spell, or a shortage of bees, this season should produce in abundance!

Hopefully I'll be back soon with some pics. Everything is green, but not very interesting yet. The black (actually dark purple) bearded iris have buds but haven't opened yet. And the peonies will have more than one flower this year. It already has buds too. No lilacs, tho. The frost took care of them along with the May flies.

Have a great weekend.

posted on May 25, 2012 12:29 PM ()


Sounds like your house is coming along. It's such a good feeling to get all that done, I'm sure. I'm sending best wishes to your friend, please tell him we're thinking of him.
comment by troutbend on May 27, 2012 1:25 PM ()
I'll tell'em! If there's anything to positive energy he'll be fine; lots of people sending it!
reply by jjoohhnn on May 28, 2012 10:19 AM ()
I hope he receives good care and three cheers for your being healthy again!!
Those nasty old gall bladders aren't a necessary part of our anatomy.
comment by elderjane on May 27, 2012 7:01 AM ()
I could have avoided the last bout of pancreatitis and the infection had I listened to the surgeon and let him take it out while I was in the hospital the second time. I wanted to do it local so Dona wouldn't have to make too many trips, and a delay screwed me. This weekend I have an abscessed tooth! I'm keeping the streak going. The dentist called in a script for antibiotic this morning, so it's being treated. Not much of a deal compared to the last two years.
reply by jjoohhnn on May 28, 2012 10:18 AM ()
So sorry your friend has to go through this. And it seems you've had some dicey times too. Here's to a healthy future. Aunt T.
comment by tealstar on May 26, 2012 6:50 PM ()
Did we hit lotto yet Auntie T? You still have my address, right? I'll be checking the mail every day! So nice to have lucky relatives!
reply by jjoohhnn on May 28, 2012 10:15 AM ()
g'day john --havent locked onto you for a fair while, i still get your blog when you paste one so i know what you've been up to.
have had pouch (bag) now for 12 years no option at all.
rememberance day there would be the equivelent of our anzac day on the 25th of april
comment by kevinshere on May 26, 2012 12:17 AM ()
Well, you don't seem to be in the mood to complain about the pouch. Guess that's a good thing, especially if there wasn't a choice.
reply by jjoohhnn on May 28, 2012 10:14 AM ()
'Must be something there to celebrate!' Yep you are still here!!!
I agree with your buddy--bag or bladder I will take bladder!
comment by greatmartin on May 25, 2012 3:07 PM ()
Hopefully the new chemo will work and he'll keep the bladder.
reply by jjoohhnn on May 28, 2012 10:12 AM ()
That is so sad to hear that about your buddy.Many people are unaware of this holiday weekend.I am a strong believer in helping our vet whatever i can do for them.
Very sad to hear a lot of people do not feel the same way.All that they are interest in a great holiday weekend.Fine but remember why you are there?
comment by fredo on May 25, 2012 1:22 PM ()
Yup, my father was a vet. I still remember the guys in uniform coming by the funeral home to say goodbye back in '67. I did my share of parade marching too back in Queens... Remembering is good, but as Kristy said below, the system needs to take care of vets' needs. That is most important.
reply by jjoohhnn on May 28, 2012 10:12 AM ()
Your poor buddy. I hope the systems health care is taking good care of him. I hate it when you hear stories of vets struggling - it's so not fair!!! Can't wait for the pics! Have a great weekend.
comment by kristilyn3 on May 25, 2012 1:01 PM ()
He's in no way struggling and the government seems to be doing the right thing even tho there were piles of paper to file. The incident on the ship when he was exposed to agent orange was well documented, so he didn't have a problem with that.
reply by jjoohhnn on May 28, 2012 10:09 AM ()

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