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Life & Events > Upstairs Downstairs (And Outside)

Upstairs Downstairs (And Outside)

"The doors of 165 Eaton Place are open again, and the cobwebs are off the chandeliers. Three decades after the last episode of "Upstairs, Downstairs" aired on PBS' "Masterpiece Theatre," the beloved British drama series returns Sunday with a long-overdue, three-episode sequel."

Hard to believe that it's been almost 40 years since this was on. I can't remember where I was when I watched it, but from the time line, I know I must have still been living in NYC. I was like most viewers--more interested in downstairs than upstairs, and in hindsight, I can see that I had an interested in people-related activities long before I returned to college and chose psych and soc as my majors. I was planning to post a review of the program, which I still might do, but it's been brought to my attention that I've been spending way too much time on that other site and neglecting my blog friends (although many of them are there too).

That's enough wood to last two or three heating seasons, along with a bit of oil on really cold days, and it's the same price as less than 200 gallons of #2 heating oil. Can't beat the deal, besides, it provides exercise and outdoor fun!

It's still too soon to be planning the garden, although there is much to do outside. The very last of the compacted snow from roofs and plowed piles is still out there. This time last year we were ready to mow lawn, so hopefully that isn't a bad sign. Rainfall is above average, but we've still had a good number of sunny days... have to wait and see... I'd sure like to have ripe tomatoes by the end of July like last year.

Not much else going on, although I do have to have the glaucoma surgery repeated at the end of the month. Pressure was doing well for 2 months after the last procedure in October, but it wasn't quite enough. It's not complicated surgery, but the consequences of doing too much are far worse than not doing enough, so the surgeon has been conservative, which is fine with me.

Have a good spring, hopefully I'll be blogging again before summer! (Ok, definitely)

posted on Apr 10, 2011 9:34 AM ()


A nice load of wood there to split and prepare for next winter.
comment by redimpala on Apr 14, 2011 6:20 AM ()
How exciting to get a big load of wood delivered! I suppose it's all lovely eastern hardwood that burns hot and long.
comment by troutbend on Apr 12, 2011 6:56 AM ()
Wood heat is lovely and seems much warmer than central heat. I am looking
for a tomato about the fourth of July. It is so hot here, up in the
nineties. Keep posting.
comment by elderjane on Apr 11, 2011 5:14 AM ()
Hot water baseboard is probably the best, since it helps to keep the humidity up, but I love weed heat. We both have our computers here in the living room with the wood stove (fireplace insert). It's steady heat, not like forced hot air... I'd still prefer it even if it wasn't the cheapest!
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 11, 2011 6:49 PM ()
Sounds like you are keeping busy. I am glad you posted something here!
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 10, 2011 4:04 PM ()
Yup, this is my favorite time of year. I'll be busy until the cold returns, but we won't talk about that for awhile!
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 11, 2011 6:47 PM ()
'it provides exercise' UGH!

comment by greatmartin on Apr 10, 2011 10:41 AM ()
Exercise and time outside. I actually do like splitting wood, cutting not so much.
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 11, 2011 6:45 PM ()

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