It's been cold here! I know, no surprise. Half the blogs I've read lately talked about frigid temps. We didn't set any records, didn't even get below zero, but cold is cold. I can identify with this guy.....

With a foot of snow on the ground we are supposed to get rain tomorrow afternoon. Then it will change back to snow tomorrow night. It sure would be nice if the Lakes would freeze. That would end the lake-effect we've been getting for days at a time.

Tomorrow we have to do some shopping, which I think will be fun and then we'll be staying home tomorrow night. The grand kids will be brought over on Thursday for a visit and then it will be turkey dinner (I'd rather be shopping). I'll take a few pics of Donna with her gift.
OK, now for the not so tragic news from up north....

Doesn't know a moose from a reindeer, oh well... Have a Merry Christmas, or Happy holidays, if you prefer.