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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Summer is Winding Down ... ..

Summer is Winding Down ... ..

It's been a wonderful summer around these parts. Many hot days, but usually cool enough at night to sleep with the back door open and the ceiling fan on! That's the way I like it--warm and cool. "Summer"--meaning outside weather actually started in April this year, which is very early for Delaware County. Usually we get 2 months of summer, but so far this year, we've had five!

The cleanup after the fire is complete for the most part, although the new garage still isn't on site.

Can't really see much of it here, but there it sits on the dealer's lot a few miles away. The zoning board of appeals granted a variance so that we can put it four feet off the property line instead of 10 feet, but not I can't get hold of the contractor to get things moving. He called on Monday afternoon--a few hours before the ZBA meeting and asked me to call him on Tuesday morning with the good news. He's well-known around the area, and from what he heard, he expected the variance to fly as it did.

So where the hell is he? A three inch base of crusher-run needs to be placed where the building will go, and the area where the old garage was needs gravel with some of the topsoil from where the new garage will be dragged over to fill the low spots. I will really be nice when it's don--just as I pictured it, so hopefully, soon. It would be nice to have a few weeks of growing season left to get the new grass established.

Aside from that, not much is going on--but I get to be outside most days, so I'm a happy (backyard) camper. Hope you guys in the south are staying inside. The 100 degree temps have made the news. Ah.. forgot to mention the garden.... maybe next time.... but the squash are doing really great! We spend Saturday afternoon blanching and freezing it!

posted on Aug 12, 2010 12:53 PM ()


Here waiting for those kind of people is common place. All in their time zone??
comment by anacoana on Aug 16, 2010 11:52 AM ()
In a perfect world the temperature would be 76 but alas global warming
has changed our climate a lot. A 27 year old guy mowing his lawn keeled over dead with a heatstroke day before yesterday.
comment by elderjane on Aug 13, 2010 6:09 AM ()
I've seen on the temp map how it's been out there... temps of 100, with a heat index well above that. I could never live in the south during the summer, although snowbirding begins to look good in November!
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 15, 2010 9:34 AM ()
Squash heaven! I'm jealous. That car is seriously ugly, but you were showing us your new garage, weren't you? Our summer breezes here whisper of a seasonal change.
comment by troutbend on Aug 12, 2010 10:55 PM ()
That car (and our building) is on the dealer's lot. That's probably a wreck for the demolition derby which will be held at the county fair this coming week. There are several of those "on display" around the area.
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 15, 2010 9:30 AM ()
The down home mental attitude you speak of can be charming ... or not. When Ed and I first moved into this area, certain vendors kept me waiting, it seems deliberately, while they finished personal conversations on the phone. I always smiled and didn't let them know what I thought of them. Sometimes it's the rise out of you they want. I didn't give it to them. When Ed walked into the local bank in the woods one day, the cry went up "Suit! Suit at 3 o'clock! (He was wearing a blazer.)
comment by tealstar on Aug 12, 2010 7:00 PM ()
A tie and jacket used to go a long way on campus too. I was an older returning adult student, and you never saw so many people jump to get the door. Staff didn't know if I was their new boss, and students didn't know if I might be the next professor they meet! As for the other business: I haven't really seen that sort of behavior around here. The is one postal clerk who works alone at the station up the road, but she always puts the phone down when a customer comes in. I have never entered that place yet and not found her talking on the phone. Most other places, mechanic, bank... all of them are very professional.
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 15, 2010 9:27 AM ()
Dude, I'd pay the $77 to be done with the county. You are seriously lucky!!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 12, 2010 6:40 PM ()
Yeah, this sort of thing can be a royal pain. I spent 7 months trying to help a friend get a copy of a title for a mobile home from Chase Manhattan Bank. SEVEN MONTHS! But I succeeded! Good luck with the barn business.
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 15, 2010 9:17 AM ()
Stop rushing MY life--even according to the calendar we have more than a month of summer left!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 12, 2010 2:18 PM ()
You have a Florida calendar. On the Delaware County calendar there are two months of summer--July and August--and 10 months of winter. I kid you not... it has snowed here in every month of the year and snow in October isn't rare at all.
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 12, 2010 3:07 PM ()
You are sooooo lucky to have county crap taken care of so quickly!!! I love squash.
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 12, 2010 1:22 PM ()
This wasn't even county, just town, and you'd laugh yer tail off if you saw how laid back they are. The ZBA "public hearing" was supposed to start at 7:30. Three out of 5 members were present. They knew one member wasn't coming, but the secretary called the fifth member. He had forgotten about the meeting and had just taken off his tool belt. The secretary told him that his presence wasn't really necessary, so if finishing his bathroom was more important than the meeting, he didn't need to come in. Then they discussed where to pick berries, and passed our request, and we were dismissed. This would be laughable, but I was required to send certified mail to 14 neighbors notifying them of the "public hearing". Cost? $77 and change!!! Bureaucrats!
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 12, 2010 3:06 PM ()
Nice to hear from you and glad that things looks good there.
Take care.
comment by fredo on Aug 12, 2010 1:11 PM ()
Thanx for stopping by!
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 12, 2010 3:01 PM ()

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