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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Skunk Attack and Garden Update

Skunk Attack and Garden Update

First the skunk attack: I take both the boyz out on leashes these days, Buster because he's a runner and Benny because he tends to wander off. We went out before dinner on Friday afternoon and first thin I know is that a skunk is following us. Buster turned to chase it but it kept coming. He took a few nips out of it and it still kept coming. I slipped on the blood in my attempt to get away and ended up on my back, but it kept coming.

When Donna came out she saw the damn thing on my back. I managed to get up somewhere along the way and Buster resumed the attack. He did a great job of protecting the pack and his face and neck was covered in blood. At first I didn't know if it was his or the skunk's, but when I began to hose them off I found that neither dog was injured.

Far as I know, it didn't spray. The smell erupted when Buster bit its underneath. I used the peroxide, baking soda and dish liquid mix on them right away and the odor was kept to a minimum. Naturally I brought them both into the house as soon as possible after the attack and Buster rubbed his face and neck against everything in sight: the door, the freezer, the dog beds, the floor, the door mat, well, you got the idea. I mixed the deskunker and took them outside for the hosing. They really didn't seem to mind the water too much. I think it must have been something of a relief.

Donna called the sheriff's office and the county nurse called not long after. She said the dogs would need shot, and the vet took them in on Saturday morning. She thinks I'll need two boosters since I had preventative shots in the late 90s. I'll call the doc's office in the morning and see what they say. I'd gamble with Lyme Disease, but not Rabies. By the time symptoms show it's too late and I don't plan to die for something that can be fixed. I have too many cuts and scabs on all four limbs and a piece of skin missing on my index finger so the odds are that I am infected.

And now for the garden. The video can speak for itself. Have a great week!


posted on June 14, 2015 6:28 PM ()


with my recent doings I reckon I got kicked in the guts by a skunk , and now I have been blessed by a china manand and saved by a guardian angel
comment by kevinshere on June 30, 2015 7:03 AM ()
comment by kevinshere on June 29, 2015 6:01 AM ()
Yup, fine. Had my two required boosters three days apart and the event was basically forgotten until I saw your comment. Thanks for stopping by. Just read your blog. Seems like a sad situation even tho you're ok with it.
reply by jjoohhnn on June 29, 2015 6:27 PM ()
The fact that it kept coming even after the dogs got aggressive seems to
indicate something was wrong with the skunk. I don't have any skunks but have lots of racoons so I am very cautious around them.
comment by gapeach on June 16, 2015 5:47 PM ()
Skunks are rarely seen in daylight anyway so there wasn't much doubt about its condition. Coons are bigger and probably more dangerous in that state. I should be more cautious going out after dark, but I've forgotten about the whole thing until I saw Keven's post today.
reply by jjoohhnn on June 29, 2015 6:24 PM ()
What a dreadful experience with that rabid skunk! I am glad you can laugh about it now and are taking precautions. I used to red dirt so I
am admiring the rich black soil in your garden. I have had three ripe
tomatoes from my Better boy plants but not much promise of more. My
Early Girls are not as early as they were last year.
comment by elderjane on June 15, 2015 6:57 AM ()
The soil looks better after that much rain. I can eat a dinner plate full of tomatoes while I'm cooking dinner so 3 won't cut it. I eat radishes in the "off season" tomatoes only when they are home grown. If nothing goes wrong like last year I'll have a good season.
reply by jjoohhnn on June 15, 2015 5:06 PM ()
Oh no. Our thoughts and prayers are for you, John.
comment by hobbie on June 15, 2015 6:12 AM ()
Thanks. I only need two booster shots since I had rabies vaccine in 1998. Today was day 0, first shot. One more on day 3.
reply by jjoohhnn on June 15, 2015 5:04 PM ()
Great video. It's encouraging to see that some of your garden is coming on as slowly as mine is. For one, I need to replant my cucumber plant, and I used up a bunch of old seeds. My lettuce and spinach are doing pretty well. And I have two nice clumps of chives that were a surprise.
comment by troutbend on June 14, 2015 9:14 PM ()
My chives don't spread like some that I've seen on youtube. Maybe it's necessary to actually dig them up and split them by hand. Our hot and humid season has just begun. Everything will take off now. This is why most of us don't bother starting seeds indoors. I could transplant started seeds but the just-planted outdoor seeds would catch up.
reply by jjoohhnn on June 15, 2015 5:01 PM ()
Sounds like that skunk was really aggressive, very scary. My gosh! I'd have been frantic. I'd send a hug to all concerned, but don't want to get any skunk on me.
comment by troutbend on June 14, 2015 9:02 PM ()
It's one of those WTF moments. I've accidentally approached skunks many times and casually minded my business and walked away without incident. But to be chased by on in the afternoon was quite unexpected.
reply by jjoohhnn on June 15, 2015 4:58 PM ()

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