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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Rant of the Century!

Rant of the Century!

We came up to the winter house yesterday for a three-day stay. Donna has some visiting to do, and I had some landscaping to finish. I didn't realize how fast things had grown, and last trip, I was totally unprepared--no weed whacker, no spray. But the weather forecast looked good, and I was prepared to make the best of it.

But the phone wasn't working... No, we don't have a real phone here, it's one of those Internet based things that doesn't work if the Internet isn't working or if the power goes off. So I got on the cell at 20 cents a minute. First to Raodrunner, then to Vonage (the cheap-ass phone company). Naturally Time-Warnter blamed the phone company, and the fine folks in India who answer calls for Vonage didn't have a clue.

So, the easy and obvious solution was to tell us to buy a new router. So Donna come home with a new router this afternoon. Exactly the same as the old router. So I called my friends in India and tried to have the phone turned on. I kept repeating the Mac ID and she kept asking me to repeat it.

Finally a supervisor, who spoke pretty good English told me that the *new* router was registered to Cathy Somebody. I couldn't believe it!! It looked like it was factory wrapped.

So I called Radio Shack and the guy says he has what we need on sale. I told him about my experience with the Wal-mart product, and he declined to comment, but he assured me that I wouldn't have that problem with a product I buy at Radio Shack.

Tomorrow we'll waste another day and another trip to town to return the reject to Walmart and get a good one from Radio Shack! I know Wal-mart has a lousy rep among the upper classes, but geez... Not only used, but previously registered products being sold as new! Unfortunately, there will probably not be anyone at Walmart worth complaining to, but I'll cause just enough of a fuss to avoid getting arrested.

Maybe we can hit the Chinese buffet, although it's not as much fun for Donna while she's on Atkins. But I need a break from life! Doesn't sound like me, does it? But it is what it is. I have to be back in town by Friday evening, so there's not a lot of time to screw around. I usually enjoy summer, but it gets to be a drag when it's a constant of state of trying to catch up. The painting still needs to be done, and that has to happen while the overnight temps are above 55.

Ok, that takes care of that... Nothing more I can do about this crap tonight. Naturally we're using the *new* router to stay connected to the net tonight! Not even close to what Wal-mart deserves!

posted on July 30, 2008 5:08 PM ()


Cathy somebody. It's hard enough communicating with India without having to get news like that. It reminds me of an article about the viruses that come with new computer peripherals as a result of being tested in the Chinese factories.
comment by troutbend on Aug 9, 2008 9:16 AM ()
I loathe Walmart. It has been bad since the kids took over from their father.
comment by elderjane on Aug 5, 2008 3:37 AM ()
Glad you were able to get on to rant and vent
comment by ciscawikkeling on Aug 2, 2008 5:11 PM ()
John i'm so sorry your having so many dificulties. I wish you well my friend, hope you getthing sorted out
comment by lynnie on July 31, 2008 5:59 PM ()
Gee,as for us.We do not have any problems.
Who is Wal Mart?
comment by fredo on July 31, 2008 10:38 AM ()
Sorry that you and Donna are having to deal with all of that. Hopefully your weekend will bring a little relaxation and good ole' fashioned summer fun.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 31, 2008 7:33 AM ()
"I know Wal-mart has a lousy rep among the upper classes"
I don't think it's a class thing, I think it's a THEY SUCK in all respects thing....
Sorry you had to go through that though...
comment by kristilyn3 on July 31, 2008 7:25 AM ()
...but I'll cause just enough of a fuss to avoid getting arrested.
comment by donnaaa on July 30, 2008 9:50 PM ()
As I pretend not to know him!
comment by donnaaa on July 30, 2008 9:48 PM ()
My sister works at Target and was setting up a new display of toasters today.She opened the toaster box,which was taped and sealed properly and had a picture of a shiny aluminum toaster on the box.She was surprised to see the toaster was black and then realized it was rusty also.She opened the toaster and it was full of crumbs.Apparently,somebody bought the new toaster,put the old toaster in new toaster box and returned it.What some people will do to cheat.And how much are we talking about here,maybe 20 bucks.I wouldn't have the nerve or decency to try and pull a scam like that.Laurie
comment by dogsalot on July 30, 2008 6:40 PM ()

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