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Men Are From Mars....

Health & Fitness > Knee Replacement - Maybe Not So Wonderful

Knee Replacement - Maybe Not So Wonderful

Went to see the ortho surgeon the other day. I'm qualified for a new knee but I'm not in any hurry to schedule the replacement. The surgeon doesn't make the procedure sound as promising as some people do. He says there can still be pain with the new knee and there's always the 1% risk of short-term infection and it's for "light duty". Walking is Ok, but not running or intense sports. I do want to hike again but even a new knee wouldn't guarantee that.

He also points out that it's elective surgery so they take more precautions. I'd have to get clearance from the dentist that there is no infection under any of my caps or root canals. This is questionable since I spent $200 in September for an hour in the chair and x-rays only to have her decide that the tooth with the "spot" under it didn't have to come out that day as planned.

So it gets complicated.

There's also the recover time. The first three weeks are not awfully pleasant and he prescribes pain meds for 3 months. Probably nothing heavy duty, just a scripted anti-inflamatory. There's also the issue of not being able to do thing that I need to do. This time of year is carry in firewood (if it every gets cold) and in the spring I want to garden and cut next year's wood and outdoor stuff like that. So there really is no good time to do this.

So I'll try to lose a pound a week which takes a great deal of impact off the knees and hope that ibuprofen doesn't rot my liver.

Here's a full length video of a total knee replacement for anybody who'd like to see the procedure.

posted on Dec 20, 2015 7:06 PM ()


I had both knees replaced in l992. I have never, ever been sorry. there
are a few twinges of pain once in awhile but so much better than the
alternative of being crippled. Knee surgury was primitive then and so
much better now. Go for it and do your physical therapy afterward and
you will never be sorry. For once, Martin and I are on the same page, your doctor is a terrible pessimist.
comment by elderjane on Dec 21, 2015 3:40 AM ()
Looks like a 50/50 split here on do or don't do. And I didn't mention PT in my post. Three months of exercising four times a day, although I think I got that from a recovery video on youtube and not from the doc. I can see both points made here. As for now, tho, I'll try and lose a ton or two and see how it goes in the spring!
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 21, 2015 6:37 PM ()
I agree with trout -- it sounds like you can do yourself a lot of good in the meantime, before deciding whether or not to go ahead. I don't think people should be quick to opt for surgeries. I wouldn’t worry about the ibuprofen hurting your liver, but it can sure sock it to your stomach. I had to take acid reducer twice daily, plus eat Tums several times a day.
comment by drmaus on Dec 20, 2015 7:57 PM ()
I've used ibuprofen for periods of time in the past and haven't had a problem (yet). I always eat first and drink a glass of water with it as recommended. The decision doesn't have to be made until spring and not even then if I'm doing Ok.
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 21, 2015 6:40 PM ()
It's really worth it to try losing weight first; don't think that you have to get to ideal weight, just 10 pounds will make a big difference - it worked for me, and has lasted 8 years. The other day I was talking to a woman who had a knee replacement a year ago, and she's in no hurry to get the second one done because her whole leg below the knee is numb and she has 'drop ankle' which sounds like when your foot is asleep - you have to be really how you step on it. Florida probably has expert knee replacement professionals, but the rest of the States - who knows.
comment by troutbend on Dec 20, 2015 7:51 PM ()
Surgery can't be undone and I am concerned that a year after I have part of my bones removed a better alternative will be developed. A pound a week is something I can do. I'm heavier now than I've been for awhile and just like that the knee gets worse. Coincidence, huh?
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 21, 2015 6:43 PM ()
We have had at least a dozen here have the knee replacement done--they are in their 70s and 80s--one had both knees replaced--and not a whine from any of them--most were back on their feet doing what they always do (complaining!) within 10 days to 2 weeks! I got that 1% warning also PLUS I could have a stroke while I was 'under' having carotid artery surgery--and yes infections in hospital are constantly happening but so is life--Go for it!!
comment by greatmartin on Dec 20, 2015 7:34 PM ()
This is encouraging! I'll keep it in mind in the spring when I revisit the possibilities.
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 21, 2015 6:44 PM ()

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