Christmas is coming and we haven't seen a bit of snow yet!! Average snowfall for November is 10 inches but nobody (except the skiers and snowmobilers) is complaining). We've had a few cold nights (low teens), but we're still burning oil instead of wood and that's fine with me. Hopefully I'll have enough wood left at the end of the season to go along with what's still uncut and not have to order another load of logs for next winter!
Nothing exciting going on: the truck is back from the shop and the brakes have been working normally for a few hundred miles. Hopefully the problem is finally fixed. So, life goes on.....
Remember the "cabbage" plant I bought a few months ago that turned out to be ornamental kale?

I got a good deal for a buck. Look at it now... quite entertaining to watch it grow (or whatever it's doing).

We went to the Community dinner again this year for Thanksgiving and it was excellent as usually. Maybe next year we can volunteer again. Kind of depends on which church is lead organization.
I just sent a request for a referral to my doc. My right knee didn't respond to the injection on October 10 and it's really getting painful even when I wear a brace, especially when I try to sleep and naturally the tossing disturbs Donna. I'm not looking forward to a replacement or partial replacement since too many people get infections these days, but I'll do what I have to do. I had surgery on it in 1997 and contrary to published results of studies, it actually did me a lot of good for quite a few years, so we'll see. This wouldn't be the best time of year for anything major since I will be carrying firewood into the house by January, but we'll see.......
Too soon for Merry Christmas, so seeya!