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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > This is What Fall Looks like (Get This, Martin?)

This is What Fall Looks like (Get This, Martin?)

I think about blogging often. I really do even tho you wouldn't know it based on the date of my last post. I come and read about what others are up to almost every day. I keep hoping that one of these days I'll have something interesting to talk about, but alas, it still hasn't happened.

There is some work that need to be done on the house, and that is finally scheduled to begin next week. I should have some interesting pictures, since part of the job involves roof work. Metal roofs cause snow to "avalanche" as soon as the temperature reaches the upper 30s. This brings all the snow down at once in a compact pile that is very difficult to move. It can block doors and steps, and it's a general pain. The weight of the snow also damages vent pipes on the roof. Nobody believes that PVC pipe can be snapped by snow, but trust me on this, it can and did. Snow stops staggered along the length of the roof should solve the problem.

Without the "avalanches", I'll once again be able to have rain gutters on the house. This will help during flooding, since at this point, all the roof rain falls right at the base of the foundation. In addition to the roof, there's some minor electrical upgrading, and new tub surrounds in both bathrooms, and new bathroom floors.

Now, for why I posted....

I read greatmartin's blog last night (or the night before) and he had the nerve to claim that southern Florida was having fall because a few leaves turned brown and the daytime temperature didn't get above 70! WTF! Seventy degrees is a comfortable SUMMER temperature. I can show you what fall (the real FALL) looks like!

And there you have it, October 27--FALL!

On Sunday there will be a 4C-Camp (Camping to Create Caring Communities)reunion, covered dish, planning session for next year. Camp was cut short last August due to the approaching Hurricane Irene, but I thoroughly enjoyed the time we did spend there and I'm ready to get started on next year's experience. I'm the admin of the 4C-Camp Facebook page ( so I'm always looking for material suitable to post; either camp-related activity, or community activity that camp members are involved in.

Everything else is the same as it's been.

Happy FALL!

posted on Oct 27, 2011 4:03 PM ()


I usually don't check for your posts, because they're few and far between. This is a week old, but I'm finally commenting. I've considered a metal roof. but they look dumb on an old farm house. My shed has one. No snow here yet. Not looking forward to it.
comment by solitaire on Nov 6, 2011 5:22 AM ()
Me and the ex debated about metal for a ranch-style house. But word was that they are becoming more popular (which turned out to be true) and it really doesn't look bad. I'll be posting pics when the crew starts the siding job, which should have happened weeks ago.
reply by jjoohhnn on Nov 6, 2011 6:29 AM ()
Fall is my favorite time because the weather is mild and sunny and the plants
grow so well. I have had to deepsix a lot of green tomatoes.
comment by elderjane on Nov 2, 2011 12:37 PM ()
Fall sounds a bit different down there than it does here. Too bad about the 'maters, maybe next year!
reply by jjoohhnn on Nov 2, 2011 4:31 PM ()
Winters get hard on people as they age. The weather here has been good for me, but I very much miss a crisp northern fall in the north. 35 and 40 degree weather plagued our area two years ago, last year not quite as bad. This is nothing compared to below zero temps but it is a commercial disaster because it kills local crops, oranges, palms, etc. And, of course, it is harder to take because one's blood thins out in tropical climates and you are less able to endure low temps. And the year it was really cold, thousands of birds, fish, manatees, dolphins died from it. I am hoping for a mild winter for their sake, if not mine. They can't "get inside."
comment by tealstar on Oct 29, 2011 2:21 PM ()
Night time temps have been down to 20 for the past week. This is unusual. The next week is supposed to be average, 50s day, 30 night, and no precip! We really don't need precip. All it will take is 4.25 inches before the end of the year to set the wettest year record. The water table needs to go down before the spring thaw, or there will be flooding, guaranteed.
reply by jjoohhnn on Oct 31, 2011 6:02 PM ()
It just seems so early for snow. I think that is because we were still having 100 plus days in Sept. Our fall has finally arrived.
comment by redimpala on Oct 28, 2011 11:03 AM ()
Cool down there must be a major change... probably chill after your blood has thinned.
reply by jjoohhnn on Oct 31, 2011 5:59 PM ()
Those apples are totally amazing - so many on one branch, and no leaves. I hope you had a big harvest and enjoy them for many months. We tried to get a metal roof this summer but it didn't work out. Maybe next year. I'm interested in your information about how they work on the house. Our roofs aren't very steep, are yours? Is that going to help with the avalanches?
comment by troutbend on Oct 27, 2011 5:34 PM ()
Shingles roofs hold the snow--no avalanches. The metal roof, which is already on the house lets the snow slide off all at once when the temp gets high enough. The snow stops, little ridges staggered along the roof, will prevent that. The snow will remain on the roof and melt in the old fashioned way. I can't remember the pitch of the roof, but that angle at the eve is greater than 90 degrees, and I think it's steep enough that I won't go up there (especially since it's necessary to walk on the screws. Without something to hold the snow back, it will avalanche sooner or later no matter how steep the roof is.
reply by jjoohhnn on Oct 27, 2011 6:55 PM ()
I'll watch your Fall on TV and enjoy my Fall outside--no, we haven't hit a high or low of 70 yet--that's when it becomes winter!!!!
comment by greatmartin on Oct 27, 2011 4:20 PM ()
Ok, Enjoy your TWO seasons!
reply by jjoohhnn on Oct 27, 2011 6:51 PM ()
Happy Fall to you my friend.We loved the seasonal weather.I know that this guy does.It makes the world interesting in our season of weather.We loved it.At least I do.Happy Fall and looking forward to winter.Why not been looking forward in my last 81 yrs.Nice pictures took a great shot there.
comment by fredo on Oct 27, 2011 4:11 PM ()
I need four seasons, but I'd rearrange the length of each if it was up to me. Spring would start in early February and fall would start in early October.
reply by jjoohhnn on Oct 27, 2011 6:51 PM ()

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