I've been planning to write for a few days now, but every time I sit at the 'puter and start looking for the pics I want to post there's always just one other thing to do first. Above you see the shrinking wood pile. The chain saw has been an experience. I'm not new to gas engines, but this thing is something else... Choke, then take the choke off as soon as it sounds like it wants to start... but I think I finally got it! I put in a few 6-8 hour days, and got about a third of the pile cut and split. I'd come in exhausted, but it actually felt good after I recovered. It's been too wet out today and yesterday, and the chain needs to be sharpened anyway, so I'm getting a few days off.
Monday I get to go back to the knee doc. The arthroscopic surgery I had ten years ago has been shown to have no longterm benefits (duh), so it's probably time for another shot of "liquid joint". I had that a few years back, and I was walking pretty well for quite awhile.
The over-night temperatures are getting into the 40s and 30s around here, so I harvested everything that was left outside.

Turns out I like butternut squash. I cube it, boil it, and mash it with butter--just like potatoes. I have quite a few pounds of this stuff.... should last til Thanksgiving, at least.
Summer isn't over yet. There are still a few late blooming flowers, including the lilies I planted in the spring. They were salvaged from a church (with permission) after Easter. The guys from the Think Tank said they'd bloom again, and sure 'nuff...

I didn't get home from the Think Tank last night until almost 10:30, so I missed the debate. But I watched some CNN and FOX and read a few blogs, so I have the basic idea. I think Biden/Palin will be much more interesting if it happens, but when even conservatives are suggesting that Palin remove herself from the ticket, it might become a reality.
Donna is taking a stats class this semester, and even tho I assured her that the arithmetic involved in stats is nothing to be afraid of, she's terrified anyway. The third week is already over, and the class is still doing graphs, and she's doing fine... Just takes a while for the negative self-talk to subside.
Tonight is the local 12-Step Group's thirty-sixth anniversary, so we're having a dinner (as usual for a group anniversary). Donna doesn't want to go this year, which is understandable, especially since there won't be anything to eat that is Atkins friendly. So I'll go alone and try to stay out of trouble.