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Parenting & Family > Pets > Benny is Doing Well!

Benny is Doing Well!

Benny was falling-down dead weight when me and my buddy Adam got him out of the truck after his surgery. It's a good thing I had a ride for him. There is no well in hell that he would have been able to walk home that day.

We put "the cone" around his neck while he was laying in the back seat, but it probably wasn't necessary at that point. I think he was too far out of it to go for the wound, but who knew.

He's really such a good boy... that cone must be extremely uncomfortable, he can't even lick his front paws, but he doesn't fight it. He stands in front of me and turns his head to the side, but he lets me put it back on when necessary. I give him as much cone-free time as I can, but I don't dare turn my back on him for long. He likes to put things in his mouth and it would only be a matter of time before he reaches back there.

I guess this is called resting comfortably in dog world.

Each day I become more confident that the cone won't come off during the night, so I sleep better. Donna checked on him at 2:30 (which I didn't know at the time) and I checked at 6 and everything was cool.

He doesn't seem to have mobility problems but he does limp if he tries to go into a trot. The vet didn't issue any restrictions so I guess it's up to him to do what he can do.

Another week or so and he should be back to normal.

posted on Feb 2, 2012 10:10 AM ()


you are so right on this.Guess that I should not dwell on the future.But one cannot help thinking this way.Guess that is me.Keep us informed on his health.He sounds like a great dog there.
comment by fredo on Feb 4, 2012 12:53 PM ()
Heart goes out to Benny. Give him a scratch behind the ears for me.
comment by tealstar on Feb 3, 2012 8:20 PM ()
Yup, and a belly rub that he really prefers!
reply by jjoohhnn on Feb 4, 2012 9:19 AM ()
Poor baby!! Lots of TLC for him.
comment by gapeach on Feb 3, 2012 6:57 PM ()
I think he's doing much better with it than I am. They specifically mentioned that there isn't enough skin to sew again if it should open, so they got me sufficiently concerned about watching out for the incision. The stitches will begin to dissolve next week and the worst should be over.
reply by jjoohhnn on Feb 4, 2012 9:19 AM ()
Bless his heart! It's so sad to see our dear friends suffering. Hugs to dear Benny, hope he's getting back to his happy self.
comment by troutbend on Feb 3, 2012 12:26 PM ()
He might be a bit uncomfortable at times when he wants to lick, but I don't think he was suffering even on the day of surgery. I asked about pain killers when they gave me the antibiotics and they said he had something in the anesthesia and shouldn't need anything else by the time that wore off. Apparently they were right. He doesn't go near it even when I take the cone off. It's just a matter of not trusting him when I'm not watching. He might "discover" it and start licking, and he can't be allowed to do that.
reply by jjoohhnn on Feb 4, 2012 9:16 AM ()
Benny is a champ. Rex has had the cone and would not tolerate it. It was
miserable for us and for him. We finally found some salve from a vet supply
that was too nasty to lick.
comment by elderjane on Feb 3, 2012 4:15 AM ()
I figured there would be options for dogs that can't do the cone. One of the guys was talking last night about a dog that just wouldn't stop trying to shake it off. I think that's what Buster coon-hound would do, but fortunately, he has never needed to wear one.
reply by jjoohhnn on Feb 4, 2012 9:11 AM ()
And the winner is Benny!
comment by greatmartin on Feb 2, 2012 4:25 PM ()
Yup, looks like he'll be fine!
reply by jjoohhnn on Feb 4, 2012 9:09 AM ()
YAY for Benny. I am glad to hear this... I am still surprised that there were no restrictions and no biopsy. Anywho - YAY BENNY! And I love the pics!
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 2, 2012 11:02 AM ()
He's back to his old self in terms of energy and mobility. The stitches are still intact and it seems to be Ok. The antibiotics run out on Wednesday or Thursday so I'll walk him down to the office and just ask one of the techs to have a look. He seems to rest well at night even with the cone, and it stays on well, so there really isn't too much for me to be concerned about at this point.
reply by jjoohhnn on Feb 4, 2012 9:08 AM ()
Great and loved to hear this.The cone is not fun.Buffy never had one as he has been very good in not licking.Both of our animals are looking good.Good for Benny.
Buffy is slowing down in his walk as he walks slowly.But that is fine as long to get him out and enjoy the fresh air.I dread the day in later years.He will be 13 and know what coming.
Will see.Good boy Benny.
comment by fredo on Feb 2, 2012 10:25 AM ()
Benny is about the same age as Buffy, but since he's a shelter dog there was no way to know for sure, and estimates of age varied. I got him when he was a year or so old, but even then, there were different opinions between the shelter people and my vet. I'm no pup either, so I don't worry about the future. No telling who will go how or when, so what's the use in dwelling on it?
reply by jjoohhnn on Feb 4, 2012 9:06 AM ()

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