The paint wasn't peeling or chipping, so it wasn't a priority, but as you can see from the pix below, the ceiling in the guest bathroom was red, and the walls were gray. The master bath wasn't much better, although it was water damage from a roof leak that made that job a get-it-done now project.
So, it's done, now it's time to start thinking about replacing the floor in the guest bath. The tiles near the wall are peeling from moisture. I was somewhat careful while I painted, but I didn't get too upset about a few drips on the floor. Hopefully that will get my tail in gear to get the floor done. My buddy is having in by nine out by five surgery next week, but I'll get his opinion on what to do as soon as he's sufficiently recovered.
It's still good weather for inside work. More snow fell last night, but it's almost all melted now. The tiger lilies have poked through the ground near the mailbox, so hopefully by Sunday I can get out there and start raking. It's easier to rake off the mulch before the plants are too tall. February and March were both months with record high amounts of precip, and the ground is still saturated. Maybe a few sunny days will dry it out. Happy Spring!