I know, you want to know how Donna's experience went. Well, there are a few things that I'm not allowed to blog about, but the positive news is that she's fine, and doesn't have to go for another one for 10 years. She went to a different hospital than I did, and her prep was much easier and faster than mine. Just one afternoon and evening of fasting, and 3 ounces of poop-juice last night.
This hospital has an interesting way of tracking patients. A nurse doesn't come to the waiting room when they are ready for you. Nope, you are given a pager when you register. When the pager goes off the first time, you are expected to report to the appointed clinic. When the pager went off the second time, it was to call me back to the clinic to collect Donna.
I left Donna at 9:30 and it wasn't 45 minutes until the pager went off. I thought something was seriously wrong. They couldn't possibly be finished. But it was true, the doc was in and out, and Donna was ready to leave. Amazing. My last procedure was an all-day event, and they kept me for an extra hour because of sleep apnea (even tho I was wide awake).
Meanwhile, back at the flood.... I called the plumber when we got home, and between me wading through the freezing water and the tubing he brought with him, we got one pump working. The outside temperature is now below freezing and the meltdown, as well as the rain, has stopped. The water is going down quickly (considering), and hopefully the heater and hot water heater weren't seriously damaged. Maybe I can get them fired up tomorrow before it gets really cold again over the weekend.
There is some sort of weather event in the forecast for Saturday, but it's too soon to know what it will be. If it's rain, I hope it's showers. If it's heavy precip, let it be white!