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Unusual State Of Being

Life & Events > Remodel from Hell

Remodel from Hell

A couple days ago my Mom was throwing something away in the garbage when she noticed little tiny 'pellets' by the garbage can. Those little suckers were mouse droppings. We think a mouse (or family of mice) got in the house, and decided to move in.

She freaked out. My Mom tore everything out of our cabinets, cleaning like a maniac. Most things went in the garbage, including some pots and pans. Irrational? Maybe. But I could see her not wanting to cook in pots or pans that were used as a mouse restroom. Gross. Then she announced to my Dad that it was time to renovate the kitchen. He tried talking her out of it but apparently she's not having it. Can't blame her. I'm not a fan of mice either.

Of course, when my parents decided to remodel the kitchen, they decided to remodel everything attached to the kitchen. The contractor my Dad hired is gutting the kitchen, removing the brick fireplace, tearing out all the ceilings and putting in recessed lighting, putting hardwood floor throughout the entire first floor (including foyer, dining room, family room, kitchen, and hallways), and also planning to remodel the guest bathroom at the same time. Bad idea Dad!

I know it's selfish to say this, but it really sucks having strangers coming in and out of the house. Change in my environment bothers me a lot. I've always been like that. When I was eight and we moved into the house we live at now, I remember having anxiety attacks and feeling like I was going to die. At 8 years old! I've grown up a lot since then and have learned to deal with change a lot better, but when things like this happen, all the old feelings return and I feel like that freaked out 8 year old kid again.

Hopefully the renovations won't take longer than a week or two, but that's probably wishful thinking on my part. My Dad thinks it will take a lot longer. However long it takes, I hope it's worth it.

Tomorrow I'm visiting with my 83 year-old-grandmother. I can't wait - she's a blast to be around. A few months ago she started showing signs of dementia. Up until then, her mind was amazing and she could out play me in Scrabble or one of her card games. I'll write a post about my grandma for another time. It makes me sad thinking about it. I like to remember the way she was when I was a kid. I'm taking her out to lunch at our favorite restaurant, and then take her shopping for groceries. She tends to buy double or triple of items she doesn't need, and forgets to buy the items she needs.

posted on Aug 22, 2012 8:21 PM ()


Stopping by and enjoy reading your post.Mouse turd as you say are gross.But think that Mama may have gone too far with this?
comment by fredo on Aug 23, 2012 10:31 AM ()
Yes, just a bit too far.

I'm heading to your blog next to read up on some of your posts. It's difficult keeping up with everyone's posts! They are all so interesting and creative.
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 23, 2012 4:26 PM ()
It's going to take longer than a week or two. You might need to find a hobby that will take you out of the house during the day. Discovering there are mice sounds like an excuse to do something your mom's been thinking about for a long time. Did she just suddenly know exactly what she wanted, right down the sort of sink faucet? Well, good luck, and keep us posted on the progress. And don't forget to tell us more about your grandma and your memories of her, she sounds like a wonderful lady.
comment by troutbend on Aug 23, 2012 7:54 AM ()
No, she never once mentioned wanting to have the kitchen remodeled (before the mice invasion) - that's why its so strange that she overreacted so bad. I can understand wanting to change a few small things, but my parents are over doing it IMO. But it's not my house and I won't be paying for it, so I try and keep my mouth shut. It still bugs the hell out of me but what can you do.

And yeah, I'll definitely write more about my grandma. She is a wonderful and interesting lady.
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 23, 2012 4:32 PM ()
They are just getting it ready for when you move out!!! KIDDING!
I hate housecleaning and the joke about me was "Martin moves every 5 years whether his place has to be cleaned or not!"
comment by greatmartin on Aug 22, 2012 8:57 PM ()
I wouldn't be surprised if that was their plan! No, my parents want me staying at home for as long as possible - save money on college and probably keep an eye on me. My mom always tells me that she doesn't want me ever to leave her, but that's not going to happen. I love them and everything but I need my privacy. She doesn't even let me have guys over and I'm 18!

I'm just starting to read your posts - lots to catch up on. Very good reading though.
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 23, 2012 4:39 PM ()
Getting through a renovation is never easy. Besides the strangers, it is also tough having to live out of boxes and such.
comment by trekbrarian on Aug 22, 2012 8:22 PM ()
That's so true.

I'm trying to take Troutbend's advice about taking up a hobby so that I can be away from the house more. There aren't many hobbies outside the house that I like, but I'll think of something. The renovation won't last forever. I'm busy with work and school's starting up soon. I keep reminding myself of that!
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 23, 2012 5:02 PM ()

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