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Unusual State Of Being

Life & Events > Dog Day

Dog Day

It was such a nice morning, so I packed up the "blue bomber" and my dog, and we headed to the lakefront for a walk. I used to do this all the time when I wasn't working, but now I'm lucky to get an hour to myself. I'm not complaining - it's just the truth.

My dog is a red Miniature Pinscher named Milo. My parents adopted him from our local Humane Society two years ago, and he quickly became my dog. He's a good dog. I like to hang out with him a lot. He's very high energy - even at 8 years old, he still acts like a puppy. I have to keep him leashed at all times though, or he will run if given a chance. The first week he was with us he ran away three times, but somehow he managed to find his way back to us. One time he raced across a very busy intersection nearly causing a car pile up. It was lucky he wasn't hit and squished by any oncoming cars. A nice woman had gotten out of her car and lured him over with a sandwich. He ate the entire sandwich in seconds - I thanked her profusely for helping and for sacrificing her sandwich. I offered to pay her back, but she wouldn't accept it. It's nice to know there are still people who do good things without expecting anything in return.

So back to today...

We took a long walk through our local park and stopped a few times for a breather. It was hot! I was totally soaked through my shirt, but I remembered to bring water along to keep us both hydrated. So we headed down one of my favorite trails and stopped to enjoy the scenery. It was very peaceful and I just loved every second of it. There is something very mind clearing and relaxing about being outside, in nature, and alone with your thoughts. I could totally be a monk, I'm sure...well except for the celibacy thing. My dog was having a blast sniffing all around and peeing on every tree and bush in leash proximity. It sucks that I can't just let him off leash when we're on these hikes, but I'm so afraid he'll take off after a squirrel or another dog.

When I got back, my Mom was waiting for me, and I knew that I was in trouble for something I had done. I tried thinking back to what it could be, but nothing came to mind. She was pissed off and I knew it. Apparently I had left without telling anyone or leaving a note, and that's a big no no. I had once left similarly during one of my Bipolar episodes and ended up "missing" for 2 days. That will be for another post. I felt bad that I worried her, but she needs to start trusting me again. I'm on medication now and not planning on going off it again. But I can see her point of view. I told her I was sorry, that I'd leave a note in the future, and would try not to let it happen again.

It was a great morning though and I'm looking forward to the rest of my day off. My best friend is coming over later to hang out and play my new Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter's video game for Xbox 360. We're both really competitive and hate to lose, so it should be interesting.

I'll try to leave comments on some of your posts. It's been difficult to find time to read them all.

posted on Aug 25, 2012 9:40 AM ()


I haven't done any rock climbing ... I am probably too klutzy for it to be a good idea. I have done some mounting climbing that is a little more advanced than hiking, but by no means perpendicular in nature. It was a lot of fun.
comment by trekbrarian on Aug 27, 2012 5:11 PM ()
Your pooch is a cutie. Did you tell him to say cheese?
comment by nittineedles on Aug 26, 2012 9:35 PM ()
haha no Milo really hates having his picture taken. I usually have to bribe him with dog treats or peanut butter.
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 27, 2012 12:16 PM ()
You had Milo to look out for you, and he had you to look out for him. I'll bet your fall leaves are pretty there.
comment by troutbend on Aug 26, 2012 12:36 PM ()
He really does look out for me. He's a big dog in a SMALL dogs body - his bark is loud and can scares people. The neighborhood we live in isn't the greatest, but I feel completely safe when he's with me. And he knows he's safe with me. So yeah, it's great having him.
Wisconsin (at least where I'm from) hasn't started to change yet - it is beautiful though! I'll be going with some friends next month to Door County, which is amazing this time of year. I'll take pictures of the color changes and sunsets...they're always amazing.
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 27, 2012 12:13 PM ()
My boys are 11 and 13 and think they're still pups. You will probably have an energetic pal for awhile! Nice that you can keep up with him.
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 25, 2012 7:35 PM ()
I hope Milo can live as long as your dogs!
He was a puppy mill dog and because of that, his Vet told me it can take several years off a dog - poor nutrition, no socialization, no immunizations, etc. I don't get how puppy mill's or some mass private breeders can live with themselves.
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 27, 2012 12:07 PM ()
Milo is adorable! He looks like he is well loved!
We have some amazing hiking trails at the library where I work. We are in a former monastery, and the town hs protected the grounds in perpetuity so it is like working in a huge park with trees and fields and everything. I guess over the years, paths have been worn into the area. I bet both you and Milo would love walking the trails if you were in the area.
My previous position as a librarian was as a teen specialist, and your situation with forgetting to check in is so common. I know that it is probably more worrisome because of your past situation. Your mom probably was pissed, but I bet she was also thrilled ot know that you were safe in the end.
comment by trekbrarian on Aug 25, 2012 10:44 AM ()
The trails where you work must be great to hike on. Have you ever rock climbed? I want to try that sometime before classes start. I've got a fairly bad fear of heights though, so it might be a bit of a challenge for me, but I'd like to give it a try.
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 27, 2012 12:01 PM ()
Jayden,nice looking dog there.He will be a great help to you.
Yes,hopefully you leave a note for mom so that she will not worry about you.
Glad that your enjoying life there.Nice writing there very well done.
It must been scary Milo running on the high way.This happen to me once on my first dog.
We live on a busy highway.A woman was walking her dog on the side walk on the other side and Meeno that was the name ran across the high way to meet the dog and told the woman there to hold him.She seemed confused and sort of pissed for her not to held on to the dog.
Finally got across there and brought him home as my heart was racy.
It was early morning and not too much traffic luckily.
On my way in town to play my game of tennis,had to stop off at my friends house to get some composure.Never again.Keep this one on a leash.But do not have to worry too much for he is old.remember leave a note so that she will not worry.Good boy.
enjoy your game there and try not to be too disappoint if you lose.
Enjoy the weekend.Fredo
comment by fredo on Aug 25, 2012 9:56 AM ()
Thanks Fredo!
I'm glad your dog Meeno (love the name) came through that ordeal without being hurt. It is so scary when that happens.
My friend and I ended up scrapping the video game, and ended up going out with a couple friends instead. It was a fun night.
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 27, 2012 11:56 AM ()
Obviously you never read the "Mommy" contract--a lot of fine print but major one is 'to worry at all times about your child and make them feel guilty'-- it's called love.

Milo looks like a sweetie--enjoy him!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 25, 2012 9:56 AM ()
"Mommy" contract -
I'm a lucky kid having parents that give a ####. I know they put up with a lot of stuff from me.

And yes, Milo is a sweet dog. I definitely will enjoy him!
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 27, 2012 11:49 AM ()

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