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Unusual State Of Being

Education > Colleges & Universities > Lgbtq Welcome Meeting

Lgbtq Welcome Meeting

Tonight was my college's LGBTQ welcome meeting for interested LGBTQ freshman and their straight allies. It was a fairly large group considering that almost 1/3 of those attending were staff. I thought it was great so many showed their support by coming. Even my Intro to Architecture professor showed up. She noticed me first - talk about awkward! I don't know why it felt strange having her there, but it just did. It was like she now knows a little secret about me or something...I know, dumb. She was so nice. In lecture class, she is very serious, and wears very conservative (boring) outfits; and her hair is pulled way back in a ponytail, but tonight her hair was loose and she was wearing a really pretty dress. She looked good! I told her she should dress like that more often in class. She laughed and said, 'thanks, I think I'll take that as a compliment?' I thought she was funny.

The meeting/orientation lasted from 5:30 to around 7:00 p.m., but most people started leaving around 6:30. That's when I left - figured I had enough information and besides, my homework was waiting for me at home. I should be doing that right now instead of this post, but I wanted to write it out before I'd forget the details.

One bit of interesting information I learned tonight was the sheer number of services offered on and off campus to LGBTQ students and staff. There is something called a Safe Space Program which provides a way for faculty, staff, students and administrators to prominently communicate that they are a safe contact for LGBTQ students, faculty, staff and allies to share fully of their identities with acceptance and appreciation of being who they are. + that was taken directly from the pamphlet :)

The trainings are to promote inclusivity and advocacy for LGBT students and their Allies on the campus. One of the main goals of the Safe Space Training Program is to advocate that the diversity of the campus communities are respected thus making the campus climate more inclusive, welcoming and safe for everyone. This sounds like something I'd love to participate in, but maybe next year. I kind of have a little too much going on this year, but it's good knowing it is there if I or someone I know would need the support.

There was also another bit of information that I learned about which is something I'm very excited about. It's called the Bonner scholarship! As I understood it, only freshman and sophomore's are eligible for it. You could earn an extra $2,200 for school but be willing to make a difference in the community. Bonner Leaders do paid and unpaid community service work each week, take a leadership development class, and then at the end of each year earn a scholarship. Bonners are placed at non-profit agencies throughout Milwaukee to work on issues of poverty, arts enrichment, the elderly, youth development and others for 5-10 hours per week, and often earn a wage of $9.25 per hour in addition to their end of year award. I applied. It takes a couple weeks before I'll know anything, but for an extra $2200 a little bit of community service doesn't sound so bad.

While I was at the orientation, there were a few individual students that I was able to chat up - mostly girls. It seems that a lot more girls were at the meeting for some reason...most were straight. It doesn't matter though. I think it's great they show their support like they do for their friends. There was one girl, however, who would not leave me alone. She was a bit strange acting...not sure what her issue with me was, but I got talking to this one guy and she kept interrupting us. And he was so nice too! I got his email address and facebook SN.

I should get studying. I'll be up late as it is.

posted on Sept 12, 2012 6:29 PM ()


This is great to hear.Glad that things so far is working out there.
Like Martin says there are more than one teacher that is gay.
But look,this is you and do the best there and maybe you can become a spoke person?
Whatever you do,wish you the best of luck there.Yes,lets hope the Bonner comes through.
Keep us update on this.I for one will be interesting to see how this group goes.
comment by fredo on Sept 13, 2012 9:33 AM ()
Thanks. We'll see how the scholarship goes...hoping for the best!
It seems like their are quite a few LGBT professors/staff at my university - that will make for an interesting next 4 years. I don't think I had one gay or lesbian teacher in high school, but I could be wrong or they weren't out.
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 16, 2012 4:02 PM ()
I am glad you have such a progressive school. I hope the Bonner scholarship
comes through.
comment by elderjane on Sept 13, 2012 5:57 AM ()
Thanks! I hope it does too.
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 16, 2012 3:59 PM ()
Don't take on too much extras the first semester--keep in touch with the group--trust me, more than one professor is gay!
I'm glad the group is there--it would have been unheard of when I went to school---in the Ice Age!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 12, 2012 7:42 PM ()

I will try to make the monthly LGBTQ meetings if I can. Everyone was very nice and the upcoming activities should be fun.
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 16, 2012 3:58 PM ()
It sounds like your school really is a welcoming campus. That is great!
comment by trekbrarian on Sept 12, 2012 6:33 PM ()
It is! That is one of the reasons I wanted to go there - besides having a great undergrad Architecture program. Hope you had a good weekend!
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 16, 2012 3:56 PM ()

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