I should be sleeping. I should really, really be sleeping.
I've been up for almost twenty four hours now...with only a few minutes of dozing here and there in between last night.
Twenty four fucking hours!
I should be sleeping.
But you people need to stop writing interesting posts! Stop leading interesting lives and then stop sharing them with me! You're keeping me awake, what with your tales and stories and anecdotes.
I should be sleeping.
Especially considering that I could very well be in a for another long night with the sick baby. "The boy" as Don would call him. He's still sick...the boy, not Don. Well, Don is kind of sick, but only in the most interesting of ways. Ha. Anyway, I will surely be up a thousand and two times again tonight to try and get "the boy" to settle and go to sleep. But I know he's on the mend because he played with a green envelope while I was changing him into his sleeper tonight and he hasn't played with much of anything lately. The green envelope was a step in the right direction...the virus free direction.
Oh God, I should be sleeping.
Especially considering that I know for a fact that I will be up late tomorrow night, phone in one hand, vodka cooler in the other hand, curled up on my couch in the basement. Eight hours was the record set last weekend. I might be doomed to never sleep again! Oh well...he's worth it.
I should be sleeping.
Rock didn't end up going out tonight because his friend flaked out on him. Rock needs to find some older friends. Some "Dad" friends who will not tempt and tease Rock with their single person lifestyles. Poor Rock...I feel badly for him because I know that he was disappointed, but I also am kinda glad that I won't have to keep the fire going tonight.
Cuz I was up a lot last night and this is my one chance to get some sleep. Oh, look at that...I think that we reached the twenty four hour mark!
I should be sleeping.
But man, am I hungry for onion rings. And a milk shake. Strawberry milkshake. And french fries. A poutine! Yes, I am definitely hungry. And that can only mean one thing...
I'm tired.
And I should be sleeping.