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Tales From Janet Land

Life & Events > Boring > The Most Random Post Ever

The Most Random Post Ever

Hard to believe, considering the source, eh? Ha.

But it’s true. I haven’t got a well thought out post to share today…just a whole bunch of random, floating thoughts, spinning around in my little head, surfacing just long enough to form before they drift away again.

And like any good blogger (it’s okay to laugh…I just did), I’m gonna share ‘em with y’all.

Here we go…

“I’m stronger than the monster beneath your bed”…I have that line from the song, “Power of Two” by the Indigo Girls in my head. I’ve never really enjoyed that song although I am a fan of the duo who sing it. I’ve never really liked the song until recently. Until the words resounded with me.

“I’m stronger than the monster beneath your bed”. I like that.

Why is it that once you phone in sick, you think you should automatically feel better? Or maybe that’s just me. Ha. I normally * hate * phoning in sick and I normally have to be practically on death’s door before I’ll do it (although I will lecture you about phoning in sick to stop everyone else from getting sick until I’m blue in the face….I can hear you laughing, Sweet Boy) but this morning, for some reason, I knew right away that I wouldn’t be going into work tonight. And for the first time ever, I didn’t feel guilty about it and I didn’t hesitate to go with my instinct.

I’m not * that * sick, to be honest. It’s just the remnants of a cold and some fatigue mixed in for good measure from not sleeping well the past week plus some aches and pains from my, um, well you know….but even still, I just knew that I wouldn’t be going in and I just waited until I knew that my favourite manager would be in before I phoned to avoid telling an asshole manager. It’s one of those times when I think there might be a little bit something more to knowing that I shouldn’t go to work tonight. Only time will tell, I guess…OR…I will never know because I did avoid something.

Regardless, I’m not going to work and I’m a little bit proud of myself for trusting my gut this morning. I’m getting better at that.

I have a toothache. It’s been off and on all morning. Right now it’s on. Stupid rotting teeth. I had never had even a trace of a cavity for years! And now this. Don’t bother lecturing me, okay? I can’t afford to go the dentist…it’s that simple. You know what I should do? Fall in love with someone who has a dentist. That would be a good idea. Or fall in love with someone who has dental benefits. * And * a dentist! That would be an even better idea! Either that or I can work at my job for another gazillion hours or so until I finally qualify for dental benefits…

I am eating a turkey wrap and it’s taking me back. For some reason, we never have tortillas in this house unless it’s a special occasion or for a treat of some kind or if they’re really, really on sale. They were really, really on sale at the little grocery store in Middle Town. So, I bought some. We haven’t had any in quite a while. Since March, actually. Since my birthday and Easter, to be more specific. Since the American Boy pulled into my driveway and spent a few days with us, if you want to know the truth. And we ate wraps at lunch. I ate mine with my feet in his lap. I leaned back while he instinctively rubbed at my soles and massaged my toes and thought to myself, “I could stay like this forever”.

Boy, do I miss him.

It snowed this morning. We finally got rid of nearly all of our winter snow…our front yard was bare and our back yard only had a few spots of stubborn snow in the corners….and now this. Actually, I’m not surprised. We usually get one last snow fall before Spring decides to camp out a while and wait for Summer’s visit. And I don’t think that the snow will last. But it still sucks. The roads are slushy and wet and yucky and just a little while ago, I could hear a “tink tink tink” sound of ice pellets hitting the windows.

Now that I think about it…we brought Michael home from the hospital on April 15 of last year and it was cold and windy and there was snow. So, I guess it’s not that strange, after all.

April 15….that’s coming up next week. I will be at the children’s hospital again with Michael for one of his appointments. This time it’s to check his eyes. The procedure lasts two hours. Not exactly the way that I had hoped to be celebrating the one year anniversary of my baby’s homecoming but it’s probably fitting in a way, I guess. To mark the one year anniversary by visiting his first home.

I held him close to my skin today. I have a low cut shirt on so I yanked it down, in privacy, of course, and gave him a bit of “Kangaroo Care”. I’ve blogged before on Blogster about doing this and not knowing if there were any benefits to it after the baby is home and older but doing it anyway. Now I * know * the benefits. Now I know how important it is to do, regardless of how old the person needing touch is.

Never underestimate the power of skin.

I had a most vivid dream last night. It was also one of the strangest dreams I’ve ever had, but not in a bad way. I woke up wrapped up in that dream, so life like, I thought that it was real for a few minutes after the alarm went off. And then I laid there with my eyes closed, fully awake and enjoyed the feeling of the dream. I’ve had little flashes of it off and on all day, too. Just quick glimpses of the dream…the energy and the circle of light and the time travel and the touch and the warmth and the bubble and the fuzzy feeling of being one.

It was nice.

I’d like to dream it again.

So, with that, I’m off to have a nap. Well, hopefully, anyway. Kate is the single worst kid to try and nap with. She insists that she wants to cuddle and snuggle but then proceeds to bounce around the bed or the couch, rearranging herself and twisting and turning and sitting up and just generally making the bed or couch move. Then she usually starts talking to herself or to one of her many imaginary friends.

So, hopefully, she’ll watch Franklin or watch a movie or something and let me grab twenty minutes of deep sleep.

I am sick, after all!

Happy Friday, everyone. And Happy Weekend, too.

posted on Apr 11, 2008 10:26 AM ()


Just so ya know..... The Indigo Girls are my favorite girl band EVER!! Now I am sitting here singing The Power of Two (Monster beneath your bed...) You rock!
comment by greeneyedgemini on Apr 14, 2008 5:14 PM ()
So glad that you took the day off! Hope you're feeling a bit better today.
comment by mellowdee on Apr 12, 2008 1:50 PM ()
Yes the power of skin is immense. I love you.
comment by turftoe331 on Apr 12, 2008 8:19 AM ()
I'm glad you took a rest day to try to get better quicker. Please know that I'm thinking of you even if my responses are shorter than usual. I'm still having blog block. My mind is so fall and my fingers won't type any of it
comment by gwensgifts on Apr 11, 2008 7:51 PM ()
I will probably always equate Michael with Tax Day now. And that's not a bad thing. (Is the 15th the last day for ya'll to file your taxes too?)Anniversaries are cool, Janet. One more year of memories and growth.
I have the same thing with my teeth. A dentist? Ha. At least my girls are covered.
Have a great weekend. I tried to nap with Grace this afternoon. She managed to wake her sister up and then she fell asleep, leaving me alone with her sister. Nice how that worked out for *her,* eh?
comment by walkwithgrace on Apr 11, 2008 2:53 PM ()
I like your random thoughts. It is like being there with you all comfortable and just chatting.
comment by angiedw on Apr 11, 2008 2:11 PM ()
Hope you get to feeling better..I've been sitting here at work watching it storm. Had tornado's come thru with some damage around home. I took a personal day the other day and understand exactly where your coming from..*hugs and snugs*
comment by elfie33 on Apr 11, 2008 12:06 PM ()
Wow! Your mind is like a ping pong today! Feel better!
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 11, 2008 10:32 AM ()

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