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Tales From Janet Land

Life & Events > Boring > The Post That Almost Was

The Post That Almost Was

The baby is not sleeping.

The phone is ringing. A telemarketer. Thirty days until my name is taken off the list. Or so they said when I entered in the information.

I had a really good (well, relatively speaking, of course) post in my head all day today but didn’t have time to sit and tap it out. And now I have time to sit and tap it out, so of course, I can’t get the words or thoughts to flow. Must have been one of those “seize the moment” posts.

Maybe it will come back to me, eh?

In the meantime, you’ll all just have to suffer through a laundry list. It’s the best I’ve got, considering that my evening consisted of a screaming baby who was finished with his fake chicken and not in the mood for more cheese but was happy to eat all the chalk he could get his hands on, a phone call from my mother regarding Christmas and another passive aggressive rant, a bath for two kids that ended early and with Kate washing her own hair because the diva Michael freaked out when he realized he was NOT going to get to play with the plug and have I mentioned that the baby isn’t sleeping?

I think the water heater is fucked up. My shower this morning was scorching hot and I couldn’t get it cooled down. And tonight, the bath for Kate and Michael was lukewarm because I couldn’t get hot water. It is still weird not having Rock around in these moments. The water heater is kind of a man thing.

So is the washing machine. And it’s more fucked up than ever. I have to call a repair person.

I also have to call the doctor to make an appointment for Michael.

Told you this would be a laundry list.

I started my Christmas shopping today. The cashier at Zellers (which was having a really good sale on toys) said to me, “Starting your Christmas shopping early?” I felt like saying, “Clearly you don’t have children or you wouldn’t ask that. I am actually a little behind” but didn’t. I made a pretty good dent in the shopping today and hopefully can almost finish up on Thursday. I don’t like leaving toy shopping to the last minute because I get “squirelly” in busy toy stores and toy aisles of stores. I start to freak out. I want to ram my cart up slow people’s asses. It’s not pretty.

Don is coming this weekend. Then he’ll go home and come back in three days for American Thanksgiving (yes, it bit his mother and sister’s ass). I am officially a spoiled brat.

I have to talk to Rock tonight. I’m not looking forward to it. He’s working until late and I have to wait for him to call. I still can’t bring myself to call the landline at his Dad’s house when I need to get a hold of him. I always call the cell phone. I’m a chicken shit.

My hands are burning. They’re dry and I just put cream on them. I have sensitive skin. Really sensitive. It sucks a lot of the time.

The little girl who lives a few houses down came knocking on my door again this afternoon. We went through this last year. No matter how many times I said no to her, she was never discouraged. Finally, her step dad came over and we hashed it out. I explained that I don’t do that. I don’t let the girls have friends over after school. It’s just too busy a time of day in this house, which was sort of a lie. I’m not actually that much of a bitch and I don’t object to the idea of the girls having a local friend to play with.

I think I went over this a couple of times when it was going on in previous blog posts, so feel free to skip past this. Shit, skip past the whole post if you want to.

I don’t like this little girl. And I don’t like her mother. There is no nice way to put this, so forgive me for being politically incorrect.

They are white trash. Like, different father for each child, step dad has three more of his own (all with different mothers) which makes a total of seven (thankfully, only four live at this particular house full time), five or six unusable cars in the driveway, dirt crusted jeans, cigarette permanently hanging out of each parent’s mouth, white trash.

I know I will become a free baby sitter the minute I let that little girl in my house. And I’m outnumbered by children as it is. And the little girl is rude. And she has the worst high pitched scream I’ve ever heard.

The thing that makes it difficult is that one of the times I was away in Massachusetts, visiting Don, Rock let the little girl come over. So now I’m going against that foot she got in the door.

But I have to stay firm. I have too many children as it is.

I wish we had more of that fake chicken left over, but it went over too well at dinner. I’m hungry.

It’s super cold here. Snow is staying, it seems. It’s supposed to drop to minus fifteen tonight (go and convert that yourselves). I should be putting a fire on but I just don’t have it in me. There are only two pieces of wood in the basement, for starters. Secondly, I’m exhausted. And thirdly, I’m lazy.

This is the most boring post ever, I think.

What did you expect?

posted on Nov 18, 2008 5:11 PM ()


comment by stiva on Nov 27, 2008 8:07 AM ()
How did you fix the Machine?
comment by stiva on Nov 26, 2008 9:41 AM ()
You pick your friends and until your kids are old enough to (hopefully) make sensible choices about theirs, you get to pick theirs too.
comment by stiva on Nov 22, 2008 11:24 AM ()
Ugh... I don't blame you one bit for not allowing that little neighbour brat to come over. Good luck.

On a more positive note, enjoy your time with Don this weekend.
comment by mellowdee on Nov 21, 2008 5:34 PM ()
Wow! For not having anything to say, you sure said A LOT!
As far as water is concerned, to me there is no such thing as TOO HOT. I'm ALWAYS cold. (Drives my poor wife nuts.) Vive la hot tub!
comment by hayduke on Nov 21, 2008 9:22 AM ()
There was a kid that would come and visit his Grandparents a few doors down from me and I just instantly did not care for this kid. The kids the my children play with have all grown up together since around the age of 3 and all seem to act/behave similar to one another. I don't allow certain language and behavior here at my house (like Ducky, my house is the main hub ALL the DANG time) This kid was like "fast" or something, always trying to be cool, putting the other kids down, swearing, making sexual harassment type comments to the girls. I shut his visits down real fast.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 21, 2008 7:52 AM ()
I only have one kid, but my house always seems to be the hub for all the other kids in the neighborhood. I never know when I get home from work weather there will be just my son or 10 of the neighbor kids crowding up my living room.

I know what you mean about parents that don't take proper care of their kids though. My son has one friend who is consistently in the same (dirty) clothes and always seems to try to take things out of my house. To date it's been little things like food, and once a roll of toilet paper. I hate to ban the kid though, cause I don;t think he'd be like that if his parents were worth a damn. I just keep a better eye on him then the rest of them.
comment by ducky on Nov 20, 2008 7:21 AM ()
just stepping through, baby. I love you
comment by turftoe331 on Nov 19, 2008 8:51 AM ()
Well... let me say one thing here. I am a mother of 3 children by 3 fathers and I would not say I am "white trash" because of it. Maybe a little slow to realize I was gay but....
Also - after reading coincutters' comment I was a little confused. What does this d!ck have against some woman named debbie? I had to go to her page and see if there was something wrong with her and she looked like a normal blogger to me. So once again that coincutter has annoyed me. I make sure to never read his blogs but then he has to go and post HATE on comments too. What a JERK!
comment by meranda on Nov 19, 2008 7:49 AM ()
I have my kid's shopping done (at garage sales this summer!), and a few things from Superstore.

Have you tried oil or vaseline for your hands? It doesn't sting like lotions. I use vaseline after every shower, and it makes a great difference. But, I don't want to use petroleum products anymore, so when the vaseline is used up, I'm going to try Almond Oil (about $5 for 250ml at Superstore).

I'm with you on keeping the neighbour girl out, especially if she is rude, and your kids don't like her. And I totally understand what you mean by white trash!
comment by imaginaryfriend on Nov 18, 2008 7:08 PM ()
I am starting to wonder if you have gremlins at your house with all the trouble going on with the appliances there! I am so sorry.
Just remember, all will be good when your American Boy shows up in a few days!
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 18, 2008 6:43 PM ()
Isn't it wonderful being a mother and a homemaker. You are blessed. Enjoy it, because having an empty nest can be lonely. If the children ever manage to go to sleep, have a nice soak in the tub with bubble bath. I'm sure you have some of that stuff around since you have children.
comment by anniel on Nov 18, 2008 6:32 PM ()
Damn... "Sucks to be you!! Here I thought I had it bad.. . I kinda just "skimmed" this post, so I may miss some details. I am doing alot right now. So I'll just comment on some simple things..

First of all... Telemarketers suck (as you know). I tried telling them to "F" themselves (which usually does get that particular one to stop).. but they send another one.

The don't "Call thing" (I signed up for) never worked for me. They still call.

Now, I wait for a real person (when they do call).. say "hold a minute, my baby is crying". Then I go back to my computer and do what I was doing. No idea how long they are there waiting for me to come back.. but I don't care. I'll just hang up my phone in an hour or so..
Heating elements go out on a "Hot water heater over time". I don't know if you live in a house or trailer. They are simple to change either way. Price will vary, but not expensive. On a trailer, like 4 bolts to take out. Cost like $10. Houses depend on other things. The main problem however is "what caused them to go out. Mineral deposits and such inside. I am certain.. if you had too.. do a search online and get detailed instructions. But however, if I was you.. I'd give a "nice smile" to a handy guy,,, and it will be free (might even work for your washer :)
You don't like this one little kid. Aww.. kids are supposed to be loved by all. However I realize, some can be a "problem". Take (Busymidmich) mom on here. She's not really a kid.. but acts like one. Maybe this kid "you don't like" is that way "because of her mother"??? Ya think... I do just from reading the post. Maybe you could be a "Better influence" on her.. something to think about. As for Debbie (Busymidmich) mom on here.. she's worthless trash (like the girls mom) and I have no problem saying.
Anyway sweetie.. take care! gary

comment by coincutter on Nov 18, 2008 6:23 PM ()
I have done zero shopping. so will you be having the traditional turkey for your canadian american thanksgiving celebration.
me and kota seem to passing this flu like thing back and forth. he has had it worse than me though. I guess my immune system has gotten stronger. we don't have snow but feel free to send me some.
comment by elkhound on Nov 18, 2008 6:11 PM ()
I can't believe you've started your shopping! I'm totally jealous- haven't the time or money! Sorry the baby isn't sleeping. My baby's having trouble too. He's been sick all week. I can't believe Don is going to Canada for Thanksgiving but I'm happy for you. It's cold here too and we have just a dusting of snow, but nothing that will last. Good luck on the talk with Rock tonight.
comment by firststarisee on Nov 18, 2008 5:51 PM ()

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