Canadian Goddess


Canadian Goddess
Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Life & Events > Boring > Old School Janetk

Old School Janetk

Old school in that it’s going to be one of my patented point form posts. From back in the day. Okay, enough cheesy lingo…

On with the post!

· The little, brown mouse in the breezeway has started to grow on me. Go ahead and read that again, I know it’s hard to believe. Now before all of you fucked up mouse lovers out there get all excited and jazzed…only THIS mouse has started to grow on me. Not ALL mice. I still hate mice in general but this little guy has started to wear me down with his “fuck your peanut butter” dances and his peeking out at me from behind the garbage cans while I’m sitting on the steps, smoking and drinking coffee and talking on the phone. So, I’ve decided that he can live in the breezeway on two conditions. One, that he doesn’t go and fall in love and start breeding all over the place. I’m not running a fucking halfway house for mice! And two, that he doesn’t get hungry and try to come into the house. If he enters the actual house, all bets are off and I will trap and kill the little fucker. But as long as he keeps it in his little mouse pants and keeps feeding on seeds and grains and such, he can hang out in my breezeway. I’ve been trying to tell him to stop running out in front of me. That’s the thing that freaks me out the most. The way that mice scurry and dart out and startle me. So I warn him whenever I go outside that I’m coming. And in all truth, he’s mostly been staying close to the garbage cans in the corner and just peeking at me whenever I get quiet. So, get your ice skates…hell just froze over.
· I’m sick. I’ve been sick since Sunday night when I found myself trying to stop from nodding off while the American Boy was talking. That’s bad, I know. At first, I thought it was just allergies making me stuffed up and yucky feeling but when I woke up Monday morning with a head full of cement and eyeballs threatening to slide right off of my face, I knew it was the real deal. I feel a little bit better with every day that passes but still nowhere near 100%. I’m stuffed and achy and tired and just plain gross feeling. And I’m whiny. Ask Don. I’m whiny. I’m not sure how I managed to get sick in June. I haven’t been as run down as I sometimes am and there hasn’t been much going around. Although, there has been a lot of stress here in Janet Land. I guess that doesn’t really help matters, does it? And the stress and the knee deep fucking bullshit around here is another post for another day. Believe me…
· My middle toe hurts a bit. I think it might have something to do with the toenail. Which wouldn’t normally be such a big deal except that I go to have my very first ever pedicure tomorrow and I’m honestly terrified of having the grossest or ugliest feet the pedicure lady has ever seen. Don’t look at me like that…it could happen! And so now this toe is causing me grief and what if it’s something bad, you know? And she won’t touch it or something. Or what if she thinks I’m two steps away from bag lady because I don’t care for my feet?! So, now I’m having anxiety about the toe and the pedicure in general. I’m still going, mostly because it’s FREE because I got a gift certificate for my birthday and also because everyone tells me it feels good. Right? Everyone? It feels good, right?
· Speaking of tomorrow…I have a lot of last minute running around to do and some last minute organizing, too. For someone who went on and on about how long the five weeks in between visits was and for someone who felt as though the last two weeks were dragging, I sure did leave a lot of stuff to the last minute! And now it’s Wednesday and I only have about two days to get everything set. That’s part of the fun, though, in a sick way. To leave everything so that when I get close to going, the time is full and I can’t get distracted by missing Don or waiting for the time to pass. In this one way, it seems like forever since I’ve seen him. And in another way, it seems like I just started planning this two week escapade a few days ago. It will be fun. It’s always fun. And yes, I’m excited.
· Kate thinks that she’s five. Her birthday isn’t until Monday but we celebrated on this past Sunday because I’ll be away from home on her actual birthday. I’m letting her believe that she’s five. Her birthday par-tay was a success. Lots of gum had by all and really, that’s the most important thing, isn’t it? There was a fair bit of bullshit coming down from the roommate’s side of the fucked up fence that threatened to dampen the spirit but like a good Mama, I refused to allow that to happen. What continually amazes me is Rock’s readiness to take down the kids in his own anger and upset. Believe me, it’s a terribly humbling feeling to watch someone you used to love fail to meet your basic expectations. And I’ve been doing a lot of damage control. Just this morning, Emma (who had been a super grouch until her Dad left for work) told me quietly that she liked it better when Daddy didn’t come home. Now try to tell me that’s not sad.
· I am trying to tell myself that Rock will have to step up to the plate while I’m gone simply because I won’t be here to pick up the pieces. And I am trying to tell myself that the kids have to get used to being with one or the other parent. That it won’t always be both of us in the house and that the kids will have to be able to stay with Rock for periods at a time and likewise, will have to stay without him. The process has been gradual and I wouldn’t change that. They are now used to spending all day and all night with only Mommy. And they’re getting used to spending nights without me. But it’s damn tough, let me tell you. Because there is still a huge part of me that just wants to scoop them up and save them from the pain and the changes. If wishes were fishes, eh?
· The weather is back to being shitty around here. The heat went away after a good couple of thunderstorms and now here I sit in a fucking sweater. Oh well. There’s still lots of time left, I guess. The only thing that really bites my ass is that I just went out and bought Michael some new summer time pajamas and now he can’t wear them. Stupid Ontario summer…

And now that I’ve left the point form on a most cranky note…

Don’t worry about me, okay? I appreciate all of your concerns and your caring. How blessed I am to have all of you in my cyber world. But I assure you…I’m okay. And now I have a lot of catching up to do here in MyBloggers Land so until next time…

Happy Wednesday! And Happy three more sleeps until I see the American Boy! Hooray!

posted on June 18, 2008 6:40 AM ()


Sorry you have been sick. Those spring/summer colds are the worst! Try not to get to attached to your little brown mouse. They are awfully cute aren't they? They do find a way of growing on you and then mating. Human nature kicks in and mice can't keep their little heads in control anymore than men can!
comment by frogfenatic on June 22, 2008 9:59 AM ()
I told you the mouse was growing on you. you love him and you know my feelings on the roommate. We will have fun both when your here and when I'm there. and the transition has been gradual. The kids love you and they will love you when you get back. Don't have the pedicure. I love you as you are, and I don't want you to stress.
comment by turftoe331 on June 19, 2008 9:23 AM ()
Hey there gf! I wish I had little bullets to make you a list of what I want to say . Here goes! Hope you feel better and I know you're going to have a great trip. Pedicures are absolutely wonderful, but not if you have a sore toe. Depending on how bad you really think it is, maybe you should wait. But when you decide it's time, it will be great! And you WILL NOT have the ugliest feet they've every seen. One day I was getting my nails done and there was this big ole construction working in the chair getting a pedicure. And Rock...Best shape his arse up and get on the ball while you're gone or he's going to lose all of his young children's respect, trust and love. I know that since I've left home, my ex is a much better Dad than I everthought he'd even want to be. Don't feel bad about going on vacation. You deserve it and they will only love you more when you return. Don't underestimate the kids. Yes, it would be nice to shield them from the change but it's not the best choice for you or them. In the long run, as long as they have your unconditional love, and you are happy...they will be fine and happy(sorry for the short novel on your blog)olol
comment by firststarisee on June 18, 2008 7:51 PM ()
Three more sleeps... I love that. My babies used to count the "sleeps" until they would see Dad again or me again (after our divorce)
Sorry, you're feeling bad. I hate being sick in the summer.
It's freezing here in Southeast Michigan. What the heck?
comment by shesaidwhat on June 18, 2008 11:40 AM ()
I am so glad you posted. I was worried that something was wrong because you hadn't been on in a long time. You pedicurist is probably used to people with icky feet ... way ickier than what youhave described.
comment by lunarhunk on June 18, 2008 8:43 AM ()
Whoo Hoo! Happy three more sleeps, and I sure do hope you can shake that nasty bug before you go! Oh yeah, and as for ugly feet -- you've got some competition. I've only had a pedicure once -- given to me by my aunt who is a nail tech -- because I feel the same way. I've got ugly feet... but I'm starting to accept them... slowly.
comment by mellowdee on June 18, 2008 8:37 AM ()
I can't stand pedicures, but that's only because I am a huge freak and can't stand having my feet touched. It's supposed to be great though. (i'm sure that made you feel loads better right)
comment by ducky on June 18, 2008 8:35 AM ()
You had me laughing out loud about the mouse. Trust me hun, I doubt seriously he will keep it in his pants. I think it's a rule that every female they see..they have to hump..*ROFL* I was trying to take off my pants when I got yesterday while sitting on the toilet and was kicking them off...and kicked the bathtub...I think I broke my toe.. I have this thing about my feet, I couldn't stand someone touching them.
comment by elfie33 on June 18, 2008 8:04 AM ()
I think its my job to worry! please don't take my job away! it sounds like rock needs someone to tell him to stop damaging his relationship with his kids. hopefully he will realize it on his own. when you are in america go to the drugstore and get some mucinex. it works wonders on congestion! I am glad you made friends with the little mousey. they are so cute, how could you not like them!
comment by elkhound on June 18, 2008 6:49 AM ()

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