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Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Life & Events > Boring > Moist


Because I’m thinking of their song, “Push”.

I think we’ve established that I need to sleep more. Way more. This would benefit me in the following ways:

I wouldn’t be so over tired all the time, that’s a given.
I wouldn’t get so run down.
So I wouldn’t get sick as easily.
I would lose a bit of weight because I would be sleeping instead of feeling hungry and then, eventually, eating.
I would be better able to escape.

Escape what, you ask?


The thing is I used to be able to do that really, really well back in the day. I used to be able to fall asleep and escape whatever was plaguing me. I think it was motherhood that ruined me. Ha.

Sleep is for the weak, this much I know is true.

I’m distracting myself, sitting here in the lamp light, keys clacking, computer humming, tummy growling. Distracting myself from something I would much rather be doing. Like an alcoholic staring at a bottle of wine. Willing it to stop calling.

I should really be using this sleepless state to begin or finish something productive. Get a head start on primp day, especially since it’s already on my mind. I should be scraping and buffing les pieds in preparation for the final stages of foot grooming. I should be trimming and filing the nails and getting a head start on painting them.

Apparently, I do this out of love.

Just because I seem one way on the outside, doesn’t mean it translates to what is on the inside. This is likely true for most people, don’t you think?

I am not as confident as I sound, believe me.

And I don’t make myself feel shitty out of love for another. That’s like grade three playground etiquette: 101. Real friends don’t make you do something so that they’ll be your friend.

I’m tired. But can’t sleep.

Tomorrow Emma has two field trips. And a pizza day. Imagine that, eh? She is going to the recycling plant and then to the mall to sing to the veterans. She has to wear red and black. They put music to the poem, “In Flanders Fields”. I have her voice singing it to me running around and around in my head. The pizza day means that half of her lunch won’t be eaten, even if I put less in.

So I should really be sleeping because I have a lot to do tomorrow. And Friday is PA day so all three kids will be home. I think I’ll go back to the town I visited with my mother to pick up a few things for the weekend. Make a day out of it or something. That grocery store is pretty impressive.

I do the polishing and scrubbing and scraping and I remove the hair out of insecurity. Only we don’t need to go over that again. Because I spent so much of my life being nothing more than a fuck puppet and cum disposal and I spent the rest of my life wondering why someone wasn’t treating me that way. I feel as though I always have something to fix, something wrong with me, something that needs changing. On the outside more than the inside because, quite frankly, you can’t see the scars beneath the surface.

I don’t think anyone’s ever looked closely enough to see the outside ones, either.

The baby is not sleeping well. Just as well that I’m not sleeping.

I should be putting the fish, Kevin, into his new home. I’ll leave that for tomorrow.

Not spending Christmas with my babies isn’t enough to win over another’s fear.

Nor is having to go with Rock to the children’s hospital on Tuesday.

Nor is the appointment at the children’s hospital in general.

My disgust and hatred of my own body will never score higher.

And now it’s time to log off before I stop making less sense.

I know it’s almost Christmas not only because I heard a bunch of carols in the stores tonight but also because my favorite sugar plum spice tea is back. Our Thanksgiving is in October, remember…so we haven’t got a holiday in November…and we just fast forward to Christmas.

I wish I could remember that line about not being enough and not having enough.

Maybe I’ll listen to that song while I get organized.

Anybody for a night cap?

posted on Nov 5, 2008 8:48 PM ()


I think we're all works in progress. My goal is to get better, and be better by the time I leave this earth.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 10, 2008 11:30 AM ()
"I feel as though I always have something to fix, something wrong with me, something that needs changing." I'm sure Don would tell you that you're gorgeous just the way you are sans primping... but I guess it takes years longer to actually come to believe it yourself. No matter what you see in the mirror, know that you truly *are* an image of perfection... even on the crusty days.
comment by mellowdee on Nov 9, 2008 11:30 AM ()
Will you have the kids Christmas eve? We still haven't exactly figured out the holiday schedule but I know that I will either have them Christmas eve or Christmas day and I'm hoping we can schedule the same for G's kids. It will be hard not having the kids on either one of those days, but it will be much harder on me if I have his kids and not mine
comment by firststarisee on Nov 6, 2008 4:13 PM ()
"I feel as though I always have something to fix, something wrong with me, something that needs changing"

Searching for validation from others? Your children and Don see you the way you are. Unbroken. Just Janet. You are your best when you are ... you.
comment by stiva on Nov 6, 2008 7:42 AM ()
I don't think most of us are as confident as we put forth in our blogs. It is easier here because this community is a nice support system, but I think deep down a lot of us are scared to death most of the time.
I hope you were able to get your much needed sleep. One thing Martin has done everything but beat into me, but is true: once you start to not worry about the things you can't change, things get easier. I admit, I don't do it all the time, but I have gotten better at it ... and I am less stressed.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 6, 2008 7:41 AM ()
I've been feeling the same way lately. I will try to blog about it but it's been a very dark time in my life and I don't know if I can talk openly about it yet. But just know that you are not alone. We all have "those days" we wish we could sleep through. And to love yourself is the hardest thing to learn to do.
comment by meranda on Nov 6, 2008 6:34 AM ()
you are much the same way i am. coincutter has told me many times i just have to relax and not worry so much. well that is easier said then done.
comment by butterfly1969 on Nov 6, 2008 6:18 AM ()
get out of my head girl! I have much the same thoughts. I had someone tell me yesterday that I was very pretty. I don't see it. although I have come a long way in accepting who I am, I still have work to do on those inner thoughts.
hang in there, I love you no matter what.
comment by elkhound on Nov 6, 2008 5:49 AM ()
Aww, your just a "fluckkin erratic".. like I am. Some of us was born that way,, and really we can't help it.

I doubt you will "change" greatly. I think you are mainly learning "yourself" more then anything.

I think you have an "artist mentality". So damn good on little details (in art, or just life).. so bad in coping. I think I understand more then you know..

I can promise.. I am one of the "most erratic" people on here. I can also promise, I have went through, and experienced more then most anyone here (most would agree).

My advice.. you gotta learn to "deal" with how you are. You don't need to change.. you need to see your "own good" points, and learn to say "#### off" to anyone who has a problem with you...

Short sense of my life.. and I can prove anything I say:

At 16, I was in he hospital for the 5th time in my life. Motocross accidents. I ruptured my spleen, broke my hand twice, broke my foot, ribs, flucked my neck.. almost met God "personally".. lol. All thought I was a gonner. I actually have broke more bones then I can remember..

By the age of 20, I had "totaled out 7 cars". Young ans stupid.. I had several drunk drivings (No I WILL NOT drink and drive now).

I set up (since I was 18) at events all the country (I am 41 now). I set up at major Biker events (Like Daytona Bike week, Detroit shows, alot really).

What I am saying.. is I been around. What's amazing to me... I see (think) you are alot like me.. or like how I felt when young.. I am no angel now, but I consider all my actions.. and I am content with who I am. If you ever want to talk... email.. I am usually a "nice" guy to talk to

comment by coincutter on Nov 5, 2008 10:07 PM ()
Just the other day I thought…well f*ck, soon I’ll be hearing and seeing those bastid bell-ringers. Your mentioning of Chrissy reminded me of that thought.
comment by dazeymae on Nov 5, 2008 9:01 PM ()

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