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Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Life & Events > Boring > Explanations and Decisions

Explanations and Decisions

It’s been too long.

I’m so far behind in the blogging world, I don’t think it’s even possible to contemplate catching up. Maybe if I spent an entire evening while the kids are in bed and the fan on the computer is humming away, reading and reading and reading, I could get about halfway but even that’s doubtful at this point. I’ve missed so many of you, have thought about you and am eager to read about what’s been going on in your little corners of the world (hey Tanya! I passed where you live on my way back home! Thought about stopping in but then realized that you probably don’t have “Frogfenatic” stencilled on your front door….ha…) and I’m sure that some of you are curious about what happened after the trips to Target were over (we went twice…cuz I’m a brat like that…) and the plates at Friendly’s were cleared away (it’s a really casual, family restaurant, for those of you who asked….I think it started out as an ice cream parlour that started serving food…and it kicks some serious ass) and the bed stopped moving across the room (yes, that really happened and I still giggle and blush when I think about it…).

It’s been too long.

Don won’t be back to mybloggers. He’s started blogging on another site whose name I honestly don’t remember. He needs some anonymity. He needs to write about something other than me. And he needs to get his head clear…take his eyes off of the tunnel he’s been focusing on since early Spring…and he can’t do it here. I completely respect that because I completely get it.

I almost didn’t come back, either.

But here I am, tap, tap, tapping away at the keys while pure mayhem abounds in the next room. I need you guys too much to leave.

But here’s the thing…

If I thought that I didn’t have much time in front of the computer before, I forgot what summer at home with three kids is really like. Especially now that Mr. Michael is mobile and a demon on all fours. My time is limited. Very, very limited. So blogging and reading is taking up space on the back burner while I turn my focus to the three people in my life who mean the most to me and who need the most from me, too. They’re a lot, to say the least.

Things are different. Not bad. Just different. And Janet Land seems to have been turned upside down all over again. And just when I thought that I knew where I was going, the road twists and turns and I’m lost and am struggling to find my map before realizing that I was never much for reading directions.

I promise to be back to fill you in. Like I said, I need all of you too much to just let it go. And I promise to eke out some quiet time to catch up with all of you.

Now is not that moment…

posted on July 8, 2008 9:37 AM ()


comment by turftoe331 on July 18, 2008 4:56 AM ()
Well miss Janet come back and I will stencil it across my door just for you. I'll also give you my cell # and you can call me. I would love to meet the woman whoe entertains me for hours and "had me at hello." ha ha.
comment by frogfenatic on July 17, 2008 11:07 PM ()
Sorry that Don is gone from here. I enjoyed his articles, (even the ones that weren't about you, )
Missed you.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 10, 2008 5:50 PM ()
Welcome Back... Sorry to hear that Don won't be back, as I enjoyed his writing and poetry... but it makes sense. Funny how one can lose anonymity in a virtual world.
comment by mellowdee on July 9, 2008 9:45 AM ()
sorry to hear that Don won't be back and that you were contemplating not coming back I hope you stay even if you just pop in once in a while. I don't want to lose touch with you.
comment by firststarisee on July 8, 2008 6:52 PM ()
sorry to hear that Don won't be back and that you were contemplating not coming back I hope you stay even if you just pop in once in a while. I don't want to lose touch with you.
comment by firststarisee on July 8, 2008 6:51 PM ()
Summers can definitely be wild and crazy! Michael probably has you dashing all over the place.
Don't worry about keeping up with us. We defintiely miss you, but you have a lot of really important things that you need to focus on so we all understand that. We all have that from time to time.
comment by lunarhunk on July 8, 2008 2:28 PM ()
I don't know how I'm going to survive this summer.
comment by imaginaryfriend on July 8, 2008 2:06 PM ()
Welcome Back
comment by meranda on July 8, 2008 10:35 AM ()
I was getting worried when you hadn't blogged in so long. I know I know it's a mom thing, that I know you understand. *hugs tight* just glad your back...take your time hun. We are all here for you..
comment by elfie33 on July 8, 2008 9:52 AM ()
its just good to see you on here. waiting to here what is happening and i will be patient. I know what summer is like with one kid at home!
comment by elkhound on July 8, 2008 9:40 AM ()

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