Canadian Goddess


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Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Computing & Technology > Blogging > The Chocolate Chip Cookie Post

The Chocolate Chip Cookie Post

The Chocolate Chip Cookie Post

Single mothers have no business baking cookies, or other delicious edibles, for that matter. At least * this * single mother has no business baking. With no other adult in the house, those cookies don’t get eaten fast enough (I have weird kids) and so they sit snugly in their Rubbermaid container, calling sweetly to me from the kitchen, “Oh Janet!” as I cruise around mybloggers. At the rate I’m going, those chocolate chip cookies will see me straight to obesity.

I miss Meranda.

My head is itchy.

And I want another cookie.

No. I must focus.

There is still snow on the ground, but not as much. Most of it has melted which makes everything look spring like instead of autumn-y. And yes, the girls finally have boots to wear outside so I don’t look like the worst mother in Ontario. Rock came over yesterday evening and brought pizza and then took all three kids to Zellers. And you know what? It actually wasn’t all that bad. Honestly. I was prepared for anything, but we actually spoke nicely to one another and had a conversation that lasted more than two seconds. And no name calling! Woo hoo!

I’m still not all that interested in blogging about what exactly we talked about nor am I interested in blogging about where everything stands for right now. Mostly because it would be super fucking boring to read. There are several things that both of us need to do and then we’ll discuss again in four weeks time. And no, he’s not threatening to fight me for custody anymore. And we’ve agreed to not moving outside of Ontario for a year. And yes, he still won’t take the kids for a weekend for another three weeks because he is going hunting (don’t bother lecturing me on whether or not you approve of hunting, okay? I didn’t say that I hunted. And I don’t want to get into it…ending the bracket now) which is whacked, but take it where I can get it, right?

Okay, I have to get a cookie. I just do. I need chocolate.

No! I have to show some restraint.

Ah, fuck restraint. Life is too short anyway.

Right. Where was I?

Tomorrow is my favorite night of the year and I can hardly wait. I’m planning on making some vegetarian burritos for dinner ahead of time so that we can eat as soon as Em gets home from school and then get dressed and made up. I’m so excited. I love Halloween. And yes, I’m dressing up. I have to. It wouldn’t be Halloween without a costume. And yes, I’ll take pictures. And yes, I’ll share them.

You know what we need around here? A really good meme or quiz. Like one of those really long ones with the most random questions. There used to be so many of them on Blogster every couple of weeks. Maybe I’ll pop over there through my archives and pull up an old one and fill it out and see if my answers have changed over the year or so.

Actually, Don and I have come up with an idea and I’m going to give you fair warning in an effort to force him to live up to what he promised. And I’m also going to give you an opportunity to be included. I know, I’m so fucking sweet.

Right. Well, Stiva commented to me that Don and I must be more complicated than either he or I actually write about. I thought about that some (as I usually do with Stiva’s comments in general before I just suggest some porn and move on with my day. Ha) and realized that he’s right. While Don and I both blog about each other to varying degrees, depending on what’s going on and while we both blog otherwise (although, I blog way more than he does, as all of you know…it’s the whole working, job, get paid thing that gets in the way), we don’t really talk about ourselves very much, at least not out of the present moment context. And we don’t really talk about our relationship or our roles within in very often, either. We always say we couldn’t make this shit up if we tried. Might be time to fill you guys in a bit. It will certainly make the melodramatic posts make a bit more sense! Ha.

So, here’s what we’re gonna do.

I’m going to write a post about Me. How I would describe myself. That kind of shit. He’s going to do the same. And then I’m going to write a post about him. How I would describe him. That kind of shit. And he’s going to do one about me. Should be interesting.

Still wondering how you fit into this?

I’m going to include a question and answer portion of the posts. So, if there’s something you’ve been wondering about or something that you’re not sure of or something that doesn’t make sense, now would be the time to ask. Just post the question in the comment block OR e-mail me if you’d rather not have it public. I’m thinking that for people who don’t feel like reading back on my blog or on Don’s blog, this might be a good chance to get caught up and find out some of the history or whatever.

Because the truth is, we’re all ego maniacs at heart. Everyone loves being asked a good question and being given an opportunity to talk about themselves. And likewise, everyone is nosy, to some degree and we all like reading about other people and asking questions about them. Let’s at least be honest! Ha!

So, that’s what I’m working on and that’s what’s coming up soon. So think of a question, don’t be shy and get as deep or as shallow as you’d like. This opportunity might not come up again, better to seize it!

And who knows? Maybe you’ll try this out, too! Kinda like making our own meme only way more personal…and hopefully more fun.

And now if you’ll excuse me…that last cookie didn’t sit so well with me. Ugh. Think I learned my lesson.

posted on Oct 30, 2008 12:25 PM ()


Oh boy, I'm so looking forward to this fest!
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 2, 2008 1:40 AM ()
How did you know you were done with Rocky?
How did you and Don meet?
How does breastfeeding fit in there?
Why dreads?
I thought women didn't like porn, but you do. What's with that?
What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Why is the sky blue? (Trick question, I know the answer.)
Is there really such a thing as prana?
comment by stiva on Nov 1, 2008 9:37 AM ()
I'll smack him just cuz Mary wants to...and I don't wait in line, you'll never see it coming from me.
comment by sumkindabich on Oct 31, 2008 5:12 AM ()
I want a cookie ya..
comment by elfie33 on Oct 31, 2008 4:09 AM ()
I'm on board with this, Jan.
comment by turftoe331 on Oct 30, 2008 3:19 PM ()
fantastic idea! not sure I have any questions, except for why did you want dreads?
ok, so hunting is more important to rock than his kids??? can i smack him, pleeeeeaase?
comment by elkhound on Oct 30, 2008 2:09 PM ()
send the cookies to me so they're outta your hair eh
comment by mrsstu on Oct 30, 2008 1:35 PM ()
I normally make chocolate chips for Mike.He eats most of them.
The sweet eater that he is.When I run out of making cookies.
Will picked up some Italian cookies to keep him satisfy.
Depending the mood that I am in.
Normally I make three dozen and this last awhile.
Think that I am competing with a cookie.Oh!well what do I know
comment by fredo on Oct 30, 2008 1:29 PM ()
I want a cookie!
comment by firststarisee on Oct 30, 2008 1:09 PM ()
When we make cookies or other sweets, I cut the recipe way down because our daughter has this out-sight-out-of-mind point of view about them, but WE remember there are cookies in the cookie jar. They don't call that loudly to me though, which is good.

"Move on with my day" LOL

Think. Think.
comment by stiva on Oct 30, 2008 1:07 PM ()

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