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Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Life & Events > Boring > Cheaping Out

Cheaping Out

Mark, the physiotherapist, will be here any minute. The house is as clean as it can be, considering there are people still living here. And I’m still plotting ways to get the girls to vamoose once he arrives. I’m hoping that his weirdo persona will be enough to send them outside.

I don’t feel like writing about my parents. And yet, they’re on my mind. Constantly. Even when something else is on my mind, they’re on my mind. But I don’t feel like re-telling the story of the past few days. Not sure why, exactly. Maybe because I’m not through dissecting it.

And I’m tired. From not having a single decent night’s sleep since, um, I can’t remember. I honestly can’t remember the last time I slept well or for long enough. And I’ve been saying, “I hope to catch a nap today” every day this week and it’s yet to happen.

Don will be here tomorrow. Actually less than twenty four hours from now. Wow. When I put it that way…

I still have so much to do. Give the house one final clean, even though it really doesn’t matter because we will be spending tomorrow night alone in a hotel room before coming to chill out with the kids for the weekend and by the time we arrive on Saturday, chances are the house will be gross all over again anyway. But still. I have to do it or I won’t sleep. Course I’m already not sleeping so I guess I could say, “fuck it” to the house and not worry about missing any sleep because I’ll miss sleep no matter what state the house is in and oh god….

Have I mentioned that I’m tired?

And while I’m not talking about my parents, I guess I should mention that I’m not going to the Pow Wow this year. Which sucks. A lot. And I have my two loving till you want to lock yourself away in the rubber room parents to thank for that. I was supposed to take Don. It’s been kinda built up over the months and now we’re not going. It’s just not worth it, it’s really not. And I didn’t want to spend an afternoon with his Mom, feeling awkward and uncomfortable while I was visiting him because it felt like a waste since we don’t exactly see each other every day, or every weekend for that matter and so how could I expect him to do that this weekend? Never mind the fact that at this point, I have zero desire whatsoever to see either my Mom or my Dad and have no idea how to proceed within this so my brain has just decided that we’ll stop thinking about it even though that doesn’t really work and have I mentioned that I’m tired and not talking about my parents?

Right. So. Stuff to do before the boy arrives tomorrow at 1:35 pm. Anybody out there in mybloggersville remember the first time I picked that boy up from the airport? I do. And it seems like such a long time ago. I can remember sitting in this exact spot, blogging before leaving for the airport about the Janet Land adventure and I remember scanning the sky and the yard to check to see what the weather was like and had it changed or had it stayed the same and I was nervous. Really, really nervous. He probably was, too… I just didn’t realize it at the time.

But I’m supposed to be talking about the things I have left to do! Not taking a trip down memory fucking lane! But I’m tired (I probably should have mentioned that).

OKAY…so I have a lot left to do. Besides clean the house like a crazy woman (I wonder if I took a B vitamin if that would make me less tired? I usually wait for after dinner because then I have a lot of energy during the evening and into the nighttime but maybe today I should take it early. It seems really, really early because this day is going by so quickly. What I’d really like is a coffee. A big ol’ mug of steaming coffee, fresh from the pot. I guess I could put a pot on but then I’ll probably drink the whole damn thing because once I start, I can’t stop and I have noone to share it with. Except that I might be able to offer Mark a mug of it. Why do I think he wouldn’t take it? Just a hunch. Are we still in the bracket? Maybe I should add the end of one just to be safe…).

Where was I?

I think I was about to tell you about my headache. I can’t seem to get rid of it. It’s one of those dull throbbing headaches that drive you insane before the pain intensifies. I took some Ibuprophen earlier but here’s the thing:

I usually buy and take Motrin. Which is Ibuprophen, I know. But I swear it works better than Advil or off brand Ibuprophen (am I spelling that wrong? Or is my Canadian spell check fucked up?) and I prefer it over any other kind of pain killer. Except, the last time I ran out, I went to the drugstore and the store brand of Ibuprophen was on sale for like five bucks and the Motrin was over ten and I’m poor and cheap but mostly just poor so I bought the store brand stuff instead of my regular Motrin. I cheaped out. And now I’m paying the price. A headache that won’t go away and not a single of my beloved white little pills to be found. Not even in the bottom of my purse. Yes, I checked. A few times, actually. And so I need some Motrin. I atone! I was wrong! Store brands suck! And my question to all of you is this:

Do I have to finish the store brand Ibuprophen before I can buy some Motrin?

Now that I think about it, I probably should have just filled out that “How well do you know your man?” thingie that I saw on AJ’s blog and Gee’s blog.

Ack. Shoulda. Woulda. Coulda.

Have I mentioned that I’m a little tired?

posted on Aug 14, 2008 12:37 PM ()


mybloggers isn't the same when you're not blogging janetk Know you're thought of and when you're ready, I'm here
comment by firststarisee on Aug 26, 2008 12:27 PM ()
I always feel like I have to finish a bottle before I buy a new one... but if it's not working, then I say ditch it. No point in trying to forget your pain using placebos. Enjoy your time with Don, and I'm sorry you're missing the Pow Wow.
comment by mellowdee on Aug 18, 2008 9:07 PM ()
I have half empty bottles of crap all over my house, and as far as I know there isn't any rule that you have to finish one before you start on another...and if there is one,we won't tell on you..I read somewhere on your blog that you are tired. Don't ya think a nap would be a good idea? Get some rest hun, *hugs tight*
comment by elfie33 on Aug 14, 2008 6:05 PM ()
You need to get some rest girl. Your American Boy is goign to be there and you are going to end up dozing away as you cuddle on the couch. Heck ... that sounds awesome and romantic so go with it!
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 14, 2008 5:36 PM ()
Interesting about the generic ibuprofen. I cheap out and buy the generic stuff, and it works just fine on me.

Just remember that it isn't your parent's life you are living. Do what you need to do, and tell them after the fact. I do that with my mom all the time, or she'd drive me crazy.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Aug 14, 2008 1:22 PM ()
no you don't have to finish that bottle before you get some motrin. I am a motrin kind of girl too. although walmart's ibuprophen does seem to work a litte on me. I don't Don will care if your house is clean or messy, he isn't coming to see the house. and he knows you have 3 kids. nuff said. can't you go to the pow wow and not sit with your parents?
ack, I am sneezing my head off, i have a cold! its still summer and I have a cold!
comment by elkhound on Aug 14, 2008 1:14 PM ()

Mark and I used to do the airport thingy. I wouldn't/couldn't sleep the night before he was coming in and I would literally be sick to my stomach with butterflies as he'd come through the gate.... ahhhhh.... love those memories.
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 14, 2008 12:52 PM ()

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