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Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Parenting & Family > One More

One More

Complaint, that is. But this time, I’m not laughing.

I just got a call from Rock. He won’t be home until later tonight because of the job he’s working on right now.

Doesn’t sound like a big deal, does it?

Here’s the thing:

Tonight is the fun fair at the girls’ school. I’m not sure if the rest of you have fun fairs or fun nights or whatever, but around here, they’re pretty common. I can remember the fun fairs at my school way back in the day and I remember having a killer time. The best part was the fish tank, the lollipop tree, the cupcakes baked into ice cream cones and the table in the gym set up to sell donated items, like a big indoor garage sale. I will always remember the Barbie van that was sitting there on the brown table before I left from school that afternoon. I vowed that I would get that Barbie van. I wanted it so badly and was already plotting out whether or not I would ever share it with my sister ( I think that I decided I wouldn’t…). But by the time we arrived at the school that night, it was gone, snapped up right away probably. Who wouldn’t have? It was a great steal.

But I digress.

The school has been planning this fun fair since about February. It’s a fundraiser for the school in addition to being a fun night for the kids. I baked and donated three cakes for the cake walk and had good intentions for baking something for the bake table, but never managed to get my act together on that one. * blush *

The date for the fun fair was set quite a while ago, too. And the kids have been hella excited for weeks now as preparations took place in school and they started saving their loonies and toonies for tickets to play games in the court yard.

The fun fair runs from five until eight.

I asked Rock several times if he was going to join us. Every time he said yes.

I asked Rock several times if he was going to be able to be home in time. Every time he said yes.

I asked Rock several times if he would be able to get off a wee bit early so that we could be there early and not miss out on anything. Every time he said yes.

I asked all of these things because if he wasn’t interested or couldn’t make the effort, I would keep the car and drive the kids and myself in without his sorry ass.

But every time I asked him, he assured me that he wanted to come along.

Until tonight.

I should have known something was amiss when he asked his Mom to drop the cakes off at the school for him. I asked him about that roughly thirty times, too. He always assured me he’d be able to do it, no problem. So, I should have known that tonight would get all fucked up.

But stupid me, I still had some hope.

Emma just came in and asked what time Daddy was going to be home. She’s excited.

Fun fair starts in fifteen minutes.


posted on May 8, 2008 1:50 PM ()


That breaks my heart. Funkin' dink! But reading your comments, I see that you ladies made it to the fun fair after all... too bad all the cakes were gone, and the games were finished... Again, all I have to say is what a total dink. Everyone knows you have to get to the fun fair *before* the doors open.
comment by mellowdee on May 9, 2008 8:39 AM ()
arg... can you take a cab if need be??? How annoying.
comment by kristilyn3 on May 9, 2008 8:25 AM ()
What a downer! You and Rock have some serious issues that need to be addressed.
comment by redimpala on May 9, 2008 8:18 AM ()
That's a big bowl of wrong. We all would've had a farkin ball if I were there, and I'd have made the rounds with them.
comment by turftoe331 on May 9, 2008 4:22 AM ()
Wow Janet.. so much has happened since I have been on. No more time off for me. I hate missing out on so much and trying to catch up. Great posts as always and i'm lost on the disability and the penis thing.
comment by frogfenatic on May 8, 2008 10:43 PM ()
He is being an ass when it comes to the kids.
comment by lunarhunk on May 8, 2008 7:40 PM ()
what is it with men, that when they seperate from thier spouse they think that means they seperate from the kids. I hear this situation too many times and it stinks!
comment by elkhound on May 8, 2008 5:41 PM ()
That is just horrible! This is the exact kind of decision my ex would and has made too many times to remember. He sure is determined to be an a*hole now isn't he? Little girls (and little boys) need their Daddy. We shouldn't have to keep making up for their lack of being a parent Janet My thoughts are with you and I hope Karma bites "Rocks In His Head" in the arse
comment by firststarisee on May 8, 2008 2:23 PM ()
What a jerk (I had to erase the other word I first came up with)
comment by meranda on May 8, 2008 2:13 PM ()
Well hell that sucks...could you call your mom to see if she could take yall down there?? Wish I lived closer I'd love to help..*hugs*
comment by elfie33 on May 8, 2008 2:07 PM ()
That is just not right.
comment by texastar on May 8, 2008 1:59 PM ()

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