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Life & Events > Meetings - Surgery - Father

Meetings - Surgery - Father

As usual I start with apologizing for not writing much but last days (again) were quite busy. My last blog already is from October 7, almost a week ago. I wasnt much at school either last week cause there were some meetings I had to join last week. One of the meetings is with a group of persons who wants to make the new way of education (more competent education as its called here) more clear. Its a group of 10 persons from all our country. Every year (this is our third year) we take some problems and we try to find solutions for it. Last year examination was a big topic for the federal inspection thinks we are not enough transparent towards our students. We wrote a plan to improve and I think, so far, that plan works. This year on of the topics is implementating political education.
The second meeting I had last week was for an examination committee in which I take place. Things like determine exams and finding solutions for problems are talked over there.
Finally last Friday I had a whole day management meeting here about the planning of the coming year. Sometimes a bit boring but those things need to be done.

Also this week my wife went to hospital. For several years she has neck-aching (hope you understand what I mean) and that is caused by her , too heavy, breasts. She is rather small so that is a problem. Last Thursday she went to hospital for a breast reduction. I never thought those operations lasted that long. They were busy for more then 3 hours. When she was back at the nursing department she looked rather dizzy and she had a lot of pain. She lived on pain relievers for some days now.
Saturday she was allowed to come home again.
For me rather busy because she isn't allowed to do much for the coming weeks. So I vacuum clean, I was, I dry, I iron....... I need to help her put on her socks, I had to dry her back yesterday after she took a shower.... so yes quite busy.
As far as I could see the result of the surgery is OK.

Finally: today is October 13 and exactly 7 years ago the day my father died. Always a weird feeling. I am not a cemetery-visitor, but in my thoughts there is always something special on this day. Reminds me I have to call my mother tonight, always a hard thing to do cause she still is very emotional about my father during this week of October (its also her birthday the 16th so....)

Well I will stop boring you and hope ( I cant promise off course) I will be able to write soon again.

posted on Oct 13, 2008 6:13 AM ()


If we were bored, we wouldn't read it.
comment by stiva on Oct 15, 2008 1:57 PM ()
comment by firststarisee on Oct 13, 2008 11:10 AM ()
Make sure you call mom
comment by grumpy on Oct 13, 2008 10:56 AM ()
Sounds as though you have lots of responsibility right now both at home and at school. Thank you for helping your wife and being so supportive. We women appreciate that more than you know.
comment by redimpala on Oct 13, 2008 10:35 AM ()
This is interesting.My daughter has the similar problems.
She is short and huge breast.Though she never or I never
heard of her about the neck pain.Will have to check with her
on this.She wanted to have the reduction done,but backed out.
For she heard stories about them.
Wish her a speeding recovery and hope that was the answer
there for her.Neck pain is not fun.
I have it,mostly from arithrits.
Sound like you are very busy there at school.
comment by fredo on Oct 13, 2008 9:40 AM ()
Once she recovers from the surgery, your wife will be glad she had it done.
comment by troutbend on Oct 13, 2008 8:51 AM ()
I know how difficult it can be to experience the anniversary of a parent's death. It never seems to get really easier, and you are right about it leaving you feeling funny.
You must be pretty high up in education circles, based on the meetings you go to.
I am glad the wife is doing well after her surgery. You are doing a great job with being supportive and helpful!
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 13, 2008 8:36 AM ()
Your wife has my complete empathy---since my operation I feel for anyone who gets 'cut'!!!!!
And heer I thought teachers did nothing but have fun in class rooms!!!! KIDDING!
comment by greatmartin on Oct 13, 2008 7:31 AM ()

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