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Life & Events > Blogging and Having E-friends

Blogging and Having E-friends

When I start my day at school my daily routine always is at follows. First, when I enter the school, I take some coffee to my room (which I share with 1 collegae) , start up my pc, open my Outlook, reply the most necessary mails and then, while drinking coffee I start reading some mybloggers-things of my friends list. I always wish I am able to write like some others do here, but my English doesnt allow that so you have to do it with my simple words here.
Today I changed my routine, dont ask me why but I just felt the need of writing first and later I will start reading.
What makes MyBloggers ( and that will also be on other sites like MyBloggers) so special for me?
Well, living at the other side of the world (most bloggers here are US-citizens) it is interesting to read about the way of life in the states. There is a lot in common off course but, specially, things like equal rights, health and politics are rather different in the USA then in my country.
In my opinion blog sites like this makes it possible to explore "more" about other countries, specially America.
An other part what makes me feel great about MyBloggers is that I met some quite interesting people here. I must admit all with same feelings about certain subjects, but that is why I once added them as a friend. Also nice to know is that my friends here all have quite different ages and that gives some nice interesting views about life.
I already posted once about the anonymity of the internet and that is a thing what changed a lot in the world. Because of the internet I am able to talk about things which aren't possible (for me) in real life. My friends here know about that part of my life and it feels good to talk about it with some of them now and then.
Btw, apart from MyBloggers, I feel lucky that cause of programs like Yahoo messenger it is possible to talk about these things with other e-friends as well all over the world. Last night I had a very good talk with a guy from Portugal who is dealing with the same "problem" as I do. I met him in on the internet and we just started talking. It felt good and relaxing sharing same thoughts and problems. Funny thing is that age doesn't count at all in these situations. I always feel a bit old when I talk to younger persons, who are at the same age as my kids. Sometimes I even feel like an old pervert discussing certain subjects but be sure I don't have any bad intentions, I am just the listener and, sometimes, adviser.

Well this post turned out completely different then I planned and, again, was about feeling lucky having nice friends here. Sorry for that, but that is a thing what keeps me busy.

posted on Oct 15, 2008 1:28 AM ()


When I started blogging two years ago, I just wanted to be a part of the modern age (whatever that means), unlike a John McCain, who's never sent an email. Now, like you, I'm sort of hooked. I enjoy reading other opinions and meeting new friends, home or abroad. Besides, it gives me something to do on long boring winter days.
comment by solitaire on Oct 19, 2008 7:24 AM ()
Regardless, it is a good post. I wonder about anonymity and meeting people I'll never meet in person, etc. too.
comment by stiva on Oct 15, 2008 1:55 PM ()
HUGS my friend. Glad you feel you can be open & honest with us!!
comment by panthurdreams on Oct 15, 2008 1:06 PM ()
Very nice post.Glad that you are making a lot of friends.
Yes,it is nice with different ages.We all have different
view of life.That what makes it so interesting.
comment by fredo on Oct 15, 2008 10:35 AM ()
I feel the same way about so many people on MyBloggers and e-pals from other areas as well. It is a wonderful resource, and I value my e-pals, such as yourself.
As for being an old perv, leave that title for Martin!
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 15, 2008 9:48 AM ()
'Sometimes I even feel like an old pervert ' But that's what I love about you!!!!! KIDDING!!!!
comment by greatmartin on Oct 15, 2008 9:07 AM ()

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