Because this is fall break I am not able to come online much. I just want you all to know that i try to read as much as possible here. Some of you I, perhaps, catch online with Yahoo.
Not much news here to write about. I am busy preparing the garden and the house for the rebuilding. It was planned end of October but already a delay of 2 weeks, so we will see when it will all start.
Will buy a new laptop tomorrow so I hope I will be able to come online soon again.
I also want to share that it feels good I met someone online in my chatroom with a quite similar situation like I have (talking about my personal feelings now). That person only is alot younger then me but sharing same problems always feels good. I really like the chats I have with him, just hope he likes the chats too (almost I am sure of that for some reason).
Well enough for now I hope to catch you soon....