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Life & Events > For B.

For B.

I promised someone to write something so I think I need to do it too then. Point is: what to write? Its a weird feeling to meet someone just a week or so ago on internet who really can keep your mind busy. Just wondering why is it me he wants to talk to.
Do we have a lot in common? Well NOT our ages. Me, a man of 50 years old, he a guy almost 22, so thats quite a difference. My eldest son even is 25 so ... Be sure I am not in love with him to make things clear here, its just that our chats go very nice. We chat about all kind of subjects, even about cars which is a subject I dont like at all. We both like the same music and the same tv-series, we both like football (called soccer in USA I think). He plays soccer quite on a high level and my sons play soccer as well (less high btw).
I sometimes wonder why it just "clicks" between us. There is a same issue I mentioned before. Lets say we both have the same difficult feelings. Only difference is he starts with his relationships and I have been married almost 27 years. He lives in Portugal and for him its not easy to show his feelings, his real feelings, to others. Its just like it was here 25 years ago so I can understand him so well and thats actually the thing what matches and make our conversations so nice.
I once mentioned before I trust people sometimes too quick. With B, there was an open and honest chat from the beginning. The big issues of life we discussed several times. I only can listen and tell what happened with me all those years. What are the things he has to deal with? What is going on in his mind? Same things that are bothering me as well? Yes I think so. Same interests but also same desires now and then which sometimes are difficult to deal with. I just hope our chats may continue as the way we did so far.
B, I just know you will read this, I hope I dont said too much. I promised you to write so...


posted on Oct 24, 2008 9:31 AM ()


I agree with Martin and Dale. You are a special person, and B probably cherishes your friendship as much as you do. I know I really value our friendship.
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 24, 2008 7:46 PM ()
You have this wonderful ability to reach out and touch people--don't ever lose it!!!
comment by greatmartin on Oct 24, 2008 2:13 PM ()
that's nice of you to try to help and be a friend to someone!!
comment by panthurdreams on Oct 24, 2008 12:58 PM ()

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