Just before I am off for my holidays next Sunday to Croatia, I want to write a little post. I just feel in the mood for that. I dont know why, but sometimes I have those emotional "moods" in which I just need to write things down.
I also just send a mail about the same thing to a good friend of mine.
Looking back to the last years on Blogster and, more recent, on MyBloggers I must admit it feels good to have some fantastic friends here. My friends list almost always was the same here last years. All persons on it are dear to me. You all know I have my difficult moments with my "second secret life" and I appreciate it very much you all support me on the right times when I need it.
Some of you might not know how much that means to me.
Last days it was again clear to me how much it is appreciated to get support from friends. Caring and supporting words to me but as well as to my dear friend D meant, again, a lot to me.
I will not be here for more then 3 weeks from next Sunday. I look forward to my holiday very much, but I also will miss my daily visits here. I wont be here when Martin will go for surgery. I dont feel happy about that cause I want to support him. He will manage I know that for sure, but... I dont feel happy about the fact I am not here then.
To avoid having a too "much filled mailbox" when I come home I will unsubscribe you all, but be sure, when I am back home again, new subscriptions will be made.
Again, my friends, thx being here for me. Its much appreciated.