Good Tuesday Evening, MyBloggerstown:
As is her custom, Maybelleen stopped by this afternoon to collect the rent. We sat and shot the shit for awhile. Then I mentioned that this month was my one year anniversary living in this apartment. I raved about how content I was and how it just suited my needs, location-wise, price-wise etc. ....and what great landlords she and Cletus were. (Never miss a chance to suck up, I always say.) Then I said, as sort of half joke, half fishing expedition, "I hope you haven't had any problems with me as your tennent." She kinda chuckled in that nervous uncomfortable way some poeple who are about to lie their ass off do and said "Why would I have had any problems with you?" Not "Why no. Wish I had four more just like you." or "I have absolutly no problems with you, Bugg. Yer a great tennent" Mebee I've been watching too much politics on tv but I know an evasive answer when I hear one. What in God's name have I done to make her quibble like that? I pay the rent when due, I keep my place reasonably sanitary, I try not to annoy the other tennents. In fact, I try to avoid the other tennents altogether. I have never complained about any of these dickwads once although God knows I would have been within my rights to do so many times. I didn't because I wanna be a "sport" and try and get along. What in the hell does it take? Is being a good tennent not enough? Damn. Well, I'm not goin' anywhere until a) I can no longer pay the rent or b) they throw my ass out for whatever reason. Honest to God, I don't know what I possibly could have done to fall out of favor.
Am I overreacting? Am I never in my life to find peace? Wha'da' ya' think, blog pals?
yer needing some serious help pal