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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Life & Events > Resolution Progress

Resolution Progress

If you read my last post, you know that my solitary New Year’s Resolution this year is to quit swearing.

Yesterday I swore ten times.

Today, so far, I sworn seven.  And there’s a University of Connecticut basketball game on TV tonight, with all the horrendous NCAA referee calls! This is NOT BODING WELL!

As I mentioned in the last post, when counting the quantity of my daily curses, I’ve run into some logistical problems.  For example, the double-curse, as in f*cking a**hole.  Is that one or two?

And what about the words that are almost curses?  I mean there is the curse by omission. One example of this would be when you call somebody a mother in anger – “I HATE that mother!” Usually, when I use that word to express extreme displeasure, most people around me know that I only spoke two syllables, but I meant four syllables.

And what about the word pussy? I mean, really! Does context and syntax count?

I know that word got Johnny Carson in trouble once. 

Raquel Welch was a guest on his show, and she came out and sat down with a kitten in her lap.  She spent a long time fawning over the cute, little creature, and then at one point in the interview, Raquel asked, “Johnny, would you like to pet my little pussy?”

Carson didn’t miss a beat. He replied, “Sure! Just as soon as you get that stupid cat off of your lap!”

He got sued.

Also, what about the word balls? Does it count as a bad word, even if it really isn't a bad word?  Huh?

Remember Soupy Sales?  Those of you who are my age know him. For those of you who still travel with a pacifer, Soupy Sales was one of the original hosts of TV kiddie shows back in the fifties and early sixties.

He had puppets on the show; White Fang and Black Tooth. 

One day, Soupy wrote the letter “F” on the blackboard, as a lesson in alphabet letter recognition for his young viewers.  Soupy asked White Fang what letter was on the board, and White Fang identified it as the letter “K”.  Soupy voiced his disappointment in the puppet, erased the “F” and wrote and bigger, bolder “F” on the blackboard. Again,  White Fang identified it as the letter “K”.  This scenerio repeated itself a few more times . Finally, an exasperated Soupy blurted out,(Now remember, this is live television!)  “No! It’s NOT “K”! It’s “F”! Why is it that every time I write “F”, you see “K”?

The screen went black. That was Soupy’s last show.

And what about wuss and wussy? I mean, when somebody calls you a wussy, don’t you HEAR the “P”???? So, can I say those words or not?

The great George Carlin one time wondered why it was okay to say the word “Shoot!” and not the word “Shit!” when something went wrong.  He said, “You can’t fool me, man! “Shoot” is “Shit” with two O’s!”

Shoot! I just wrote “shit” three times, including the one in this sentence!  That brings today’s tally up to 10!

Son of a ...!


posted on Jan 3, 2009 2:18 PM ()


I love it when a Brit curses: bullocks! for example, sounds so cute. And how about: bloody _______! Adorable. With an accent and all, it seems harmless. HOWEVER, there's just some kind of satisfaction when we Americans blurt out: F*CK! or SH*T! Nothing like it. And it's so right for the moment. Know what I mean?
comment by november on Jan 7, 2009 9:32 AM ()
When my wife first became pregnant, our friends & family feared the prospect of me cursing around my child. They worried about the wrong parent. Our toddler daughter entered the kitchen about the time my wife dropped a raw egg which, naturally, broke on impact. "Sh**!" said my wife. "Sh**!" repeated our little girl. My negative role in this little drama was to laugh uncontrollably at that point, only encouraging our daughter, who then spent the rest of the day (the rest of her life?)running around the house saying "Sh**! Sh**! Sh**!" and laughing her little butt off.
comment by looserobes on Jan 6, 2009 9:00 AM ()
Urban Legend: The word #### comes from colonial times, when someone would be punished for 'prostitution' It was an acronym for the words: 'For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.' #### was written on the stocks that held these criminals because For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge was too long to go on the stocks.
Truth: recorded in English since the 15th century with cognates in other Germanic languages. Origin words include Middle Dutch fokken = "to thrust, copulate with," Norwegian dialect fukka = "to copulate," Swedish dialect focka = "to strike, push, copulate" and fock = "penis."

Urban Legend: Certain types of manure used to be transported by ship. In dry form it weighs a lot less, but once water at sea hit it, it not only became heavier, but the process of fermentation began again. One of the byproducts of fermentation is methane gas, and that gas would build up below deck. As you can imagine, unsuspecting deck hands would pay a high price for lighting a lantern. Several ships were destroyed before they realized what was happening. After that the bundles of manure were always stamped with the acronym S.H.I.T. which stands for Ship High In Transit. Shipped high enough off the lower decks to keep the water off it.
Truth: The word #### entered the modern english language via having been derived from the Old English nouns scite and the Middle Low German schite, both meaning 'dung," and the Old English noun scitte, meaning "diarrhea."

Almost none of the modern beliefs about the origins of curse words are true. And any that are attributed to some strange acronym are almost all false as there really wasn't any such things as acronyms until the 20th century. What makes curse words interesting in trying to figure out WHY they are curse words.

I curse like a sailor... when I'm drinking. F words (I hate the term F-bomb) fall from my face like water from a hose. My friends tend to bring it out of me. I don't swear on a date, around my kids, my boss, or my family. (I'll never be able to swear in front of my mom) So obviously there is a part of me that instictively knows when a word sounds crass or ugly.

Personally, I think the words circumcision and hemorrhoidd sound like pain and bleeding hatred. But what really makes a swear word?

And I've come to a conclusion. A swear word or curse word is a word that, no matter how you say it, it always sounds like you really really mean it. F--k s--t c--k c--t, you name it. If you can't get around the fact that it sounds bad no matter how you dress it up or contextualize it, it's a swear word.
comment by oombutu on Jan 5, 2009 12:38 PM ()
Soupy was always doing something bad.
comment by teacherwoman on Jan 5, 2009 10:43 AM ()
Why is it that every time I write “F”, you see “K”? << Made me laugh out loud. Good luck with the swearing resolution. Maybe put a couple dollars in a jar every time you swear. By the end of the year you might have a nice little vacation fund. My word of choice when I'm really ticked is the four syllable mother. I only use it at home... which means that I must have some control over my language if I don't say it in public... of course, more mofo situations happen at home than anywhere else, and I have to say, it's sometimes a nice release. Other than that I don't swear too much... I don't think. Maybe I should start a tally too.
comment by mellowdee on Jan 5, 2009 10:32 AM ()
Like Ducky I use substitutions-balderdash, criminy, and others that just slip off my tongue!
comment by peanutsmom on Jan 4, 2009 2:10 PM ()
I loved Soupy Sales and wondered why he was so suddenly taken away from me as a child. Now I know.

What a great way to go, though.
comment by largemarge on Jan 4, 2009 1:31 PM ()
Ah, the power of words. To be or not to be. Why crap, not ####? Why pee, not piss? Goldang, not Goddamn? Dick? Peter? Just names, or not.
comment by solitaire on Jan 4, 2009 7:30 AM ()
I don't cuss a lot in saying "actual" curse words, but I do make up my own "frustration" words. Hosebag is my personal favorite. It's not bad at all, it's simply a bag for a hose, but if you say it when you're anrgy it sounds delightfully dirty. It's not what you say at all, but the spirit in which you say it.
comment by ducky on Jan 4, 2009 6:22 AM ()
I'll try too...but I can't promise anything...
comment by strider333 on Jan 4, 2009 12:35 AM ()
I quit swearing when I heard my three-year-old mumbling "Oh s_h__i_t" as she walked away after I had scolded her.I knew exactly from whom she had heard it!
comment by redimpala on Jan 3, 2009 4:54 PM ()
since we are all getting older, we must be taught some newere cuss words... so that I , for one, won't being walking around the nursing home yelling, " hey you ole fart" to my last and few new friends.
comment by cindy on Jan 3, 2009 3:19 PM ()
eh I think swearing is all perspective... you say potato I say pahtahtoe...
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 3, 2009 3:10 PM ()
People ask me why I often say "Oh Balls"? It's because I used to say "Oh tits", until other people got pissed off. Bottom line: You can't please all of the people all of the time, so #### it!
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 3, 2009 2:27 PM ()

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