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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Life & Events > Resolutions and Other Silly Notions

Resolutions and Other Silly Notions

Got a pain just below my stomach on the left side of my body today. Being the hypochondriac that I am, I immediately got the internet and found out that the appendix is on right side of the body. That was a relief! Ruled out appendicitis.
Now I’m sure that it’s intestinal cancer.
Kind of bummed out today. Mary Ellen is leaving on her annual pilgrimage to our place in Florida on Monday. She’ll be gone for six weeks.
I miss her already. I mean REALLY miss her! I’ll fly down in two weeks and spend two weeks with her.
I hate it when she leaves.
I get lonely.
Saw a great movie the other night - TRAITOR with Don Cheadle. (I don’t think he’s ever made a bad movie.) Excellent flick about the other side of terrorism.
Made me start to ponder the concept of religion again. I wonder why it is so important to human beings to believe in something other than themselves?
This movie rekindled my thoughts that religion causes more grief in the world than anything else. I mean, just look at what’s going on in The Gaza Strip! All of that is fueled by religion.
Sometimes I believe that, even though folks like Jesus and Mohammed taught peace and love and non-violence, their followers today, and the followers of EVERY prominent religious leader, seem to espouse violence against everybody else who doesn’t see things their way.
Seems that somehow the messages of peace get translated into hatred by the time the masses get wind of them. (The movie really makes that point. Cheadle’s character, who is Muslim, points out a few times that Mohammed’s teachings have been twisted by the terrorists with whom he is associating.)
I really think the world would be a far better place without religion.
My son Scott came over yesterday and hooked up a ceiling fan for us in our bedroom. I was amazed at how easily and methodically he did everything. The fan was installed in less than a half-hour.
Funny how sometimes our kids are so different from us, huh? I mean, he opened the box and went right at it. Completely undaunted by all the metal parts and wires.
If I opened that box and saw all those parts and all of the screws and multicolored wires…I probably would have just sat down in the middle of the floor and started crying.
I’m heading for Maine next weekend. Mary Ellen will be in Florida. So I think I’ll go visit my good friend Ginnie. She and I have been friends for over twenty-five years. We used to teach English and literature together.
We’ve watched each other’s kids grow up.
She was there for me during my divorce from Cruella, and I was there for her during her divorce from her latest and greatest husband.
I’ll go up there next Friday, spend some time with her, go out to dinner with her a couple of times, come back home on Sunday, and then I’ll only have to make it through one more weekend before I get to see Mary Ellen in Florida.
Time management!
Sounds like a plan!
Finally finished rewriting my new play…for now. This is the fourth re-write. I’ve got the cast all picked out for the dramatic reading. I plan on having the first read-through at my house in two weeks, just before I take off for Florida.
I am trying to break the habit of swearing. It was my one and only New Year’s resolution. I HATE swearing! I really do. I think that people who continually and excessively swear sound stupid and cheap.
I remember when I got cast in Neil Simon’s RUMORS for the first time a few years ago, I read the script and was astonished by how many times the word "F**k" came up in the dialogue!
I’m always impressed that Bill Cosby and Jerry Seinfeld never swear or tell off-color jokes. And yet I swear like a trooper!
When I try to stop, they just SNEAK OUT!!!!!
Seriously! Swearing has become so ingrained in my lifestyle that I’m not even aware that I’m doing it!
Mary Ellen knows that I am trouble quitting. Yesterday, she suggested that I keep a tally of the amount of times I swear in a day so that I’ll become more aware of the habit.
Okay. So I started counting. (Hell and Damn don’t count.)
Immediately, I ran into a logistical problem – compound swears. I mean, I know that f*ck counts as one swear, and a**h*le counts as another. But what if call somebody a f*cking a**h*le? Is that one or two?
I swore nine times yesterday…that I’m aware of.

posted on Jan 2, 2009 10:27 AM ()


I meant to say...three of them started with f..., maybe I was right the first time.
comment by justmyopinion on Jan 8, 2009 3:07 PM ()
Once upon a time I couldn't say a 5 word sentence without five of them starting with f. Kids, women, didn't matter, that's how I talked. You can do it, I got confidence in ya.
comment by justmyopinion on Jan 8, 2009 3:06 PM ()
Congrats on the latest rewrite!! How exciting. I once knew a guy who swore a lot (actually, I've known a few..) One time I tried to illustrate how often he swore, and without him knowing, as he shared a story with everyone, I counted each f-word for one minute. Guess how many times he said it.... Seventeen! Seventeen f**ks in one minute! A little excessive, don't you think?
comment by mellowdee on Jan 5, 2009 10:26 AM ()
Yeah, religion is like that.

Good luck on your new play.
comment by stiva on Jan 5, 2009 7:36 AM ()
Is the 17th okay?
comment by largemarge on Jan 4, 2009 1:28 PM ()
I really believe that religion defeats its own purpose.
I too HATE rewriting, but I'd rather do it myself than have somebody else screw up my "baby."
Mary Ellen will be in Palmetto, which is on the Gulf Coast about 40 miles south of Tampa.
comment by hayduke on Jan 2, 2009 5:01 PM ()
My father swore all his life. He finally decided to stop. He said it was the hardest habit he ever tried to break....but he did it.
comment by redimpala on Jan 2, 2009 1:59 PM ()
My friend Peter in Australia agrees with 100% about religion.
I very seldom, if ever swear--oh I might say sh-o-o-o-t (the Southern way) now and then.
Break a leg with the play--I HATE rewriting--what I really need is a good editor!
Where in Florida will Mary Ellen be?
comment by greatmartin on Jan 2, 2009 1:22 PM ()
You're right...religion and intolerance seem to go together and prompt hatred and violence. As for profanity, it can have its place. Too much dependence upon it indicates inadequate vocabulary. But if used in the right place at the right time...
comment by looserobes on Jan 2, 2009 11:36 AM ()
You are invited over for beers, dinner, and a movie over at our place. When you wanna do it? Chris'll make something awesome.
comment by largemarge on Jan 2, 2009 11:25 AM ()
I've had a pain on the left side of my upper abdomen today, just below the ribs. It isn't bad or there all the time, so I believe it was yesterday's pork loin and kraut. And if you only swore nine times you need no forgiveness. I never count mine but the count is probably triple-digit. Happy New Year, Friend!
comment by jondude on Jan 2, 2009 11:24 AM ()
Not swearing so much is a good goal... That movie sounds interesting! I will add it to my netflix queue...
I am sorry that you miss your sweetie - but you will be reunited soon!!! Does she have friends and/or relatives in FL or is she just going to soak up the sun?
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 2, 2009 10:53 AM ()

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