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My Problems with Religion (Part Three)
My Problems with Religion (Part Three)
Okay. Another thing now.
If there are things that I can create that I really don’t like, am I going to waste my time creating them? I mean, why would I create something that is really upsetting to me? And, if I DID create something that turned out to be displeasing to me, I’D DESTROY IT!
So, if God hates homosexuality, or alcohol, or pornography, and you believe that he is the all-powerful creator of everything, why the hell are those things still around? I mean, if one man kissing another man turns his Almighty Stomach, why the hell did God create homosexuality in the first place? And, if he created it and only then realized that he’s not too crazy about it, why didn’t he just wipe it out?
I mean, look. If I were almighty, I can definitely assure you that there would be no brussel sprouts or Rush Limbaughs anywhere in the universe! I made them. I can obliterate them! Simple as that!
And what about this whole redemption thing? Christians believe that Jesus is The Savior, and The Redeemer, right? And the Jews are still waiting for the Messiah, right?
There’s two things about this whole redemption story that I really don’t understand.
1. Back in the beginning, one or two of our forefathers did something REALLY OUTRAGEOUS, and it made God see red, right? (The story of Adam and Eve.) Now, think about it for a minute. What could Man have possibly done to have irked his creator so badly that the Creator completely disowned him??
I mean, look. I’ve had many puppies in my life. And sometimes puppies shit where they shouldn’t, right? So you reprimand them and say "NO!" very sternly, and then you show them where the proper place is for them to relieve themselves. When they do it correctly, you praise them and pet them and love them up. When they don’t, you reprimand them.
Do you hit them? No. Do you throw them out in the cold to fend for themselves and you don’t care even if they die? Of course not!
I had a puppy once who was extremely tough to housebreak! After weeks and weeks and weeks of working with him, I thought he finally got the message. When we had a few days of no "accidents" in the house, I figured he was ready for the litmus test. I left him in the house to roam freely while I went out for a couple of hours. When I came back…the little bastard had climbed up on my bed and shit andpissed on my pillow! Even then, I didn’t hit him or throw him out in the cold! I just continued to train and train and train him, and finally, he got the hang of it!
Now, what could Adam and Eve have EVER done that would be worse than that?
Get my point?
And yet, we’re supposed to believe that God got furious enough to strip them of all the joys of life and throw everybody out of the pool. He went so far as to condemn them to death (In the original blueprints and plans, according to Genesis, humans were not supposed to die.)
2. Whatever it is that Adam and his concubine (They were never officially married, were they?) did, only God's son could atone for it?
You mean to tell me that, if you did something unspeakable to me, I’m going to turn around and say, "What you did was really, REALLY bad and it hurt my feelings beyond belief!!!! Therefore, I’ll only forgive you for it IF YOU KILL MY KID!" Where in the hell is the logic in that? Does that make sense to you???
Again, I just don’t get it!
And this temper thing! After reading the Old Testament, I really think that somebody up there in the clouds needs a couple of good sessions in anger management classes! I mean, seriously! We’re supposed to be God’s children, right? He’s supposed to be all knowing, all loving and all forgiving, and yet, every time he turns around in the Old Testament he’s blowing his cool all over the place! If he treated his kids nowadays the way that he treated them back then, The Department of Children and Families would be on his case in a heartbeat, and he would more than likely end up in jail for child abuse!
I mean, come on! He condemned a WHOLE FREAKING NATION of people to wander around in a desert for FORTY YEARS! What was the crime? Well, he told Moses, the leader, to strike a stone with his staff once to get water to flow from it. Moses, instead of hitting the rock once, hit it twice! THAT WAS IT!!!!! FORTY YEARS for an extra hit!
Two whole cities were destroyed by celestial fire and avenging angels because the actions of the citizens there displeased God! Two whole cities GONE!
And that pillar of salt thing! Creative, but was it really necessary? I know a few district attorneys who would love to get a hold of a father who punished one of his daughters by turning her into a pillar of salt! I mean, I don’t care WHAT her crime was! You don’t go turning people into pillars of salt and expect to get away with it!
I guess what I’m really trying to say in this post and in the two previous ones is that religions and the ways that they are practiced are not positive things, to my way of thinking.
Also, my God shows up nowhere in the Bible. Nowhere.
Jesus, if he really existed, (There is no proof that he ever really did live. No official records. No documents. Nothing but the gospels.), was a spiritual, tolerant and peaceful man. (Nowhere in the gospels does he ever proclaim to be God. He calls himself the Son of God, but he also said that we ALL are children of God.) He doesn’t fit the image of the wrathful Yahweh of the Old Testament. Nor do any of his words or actions reflect what is going on in religion today.
Somebody once said that Christianity is a wonderful thing. The problem with it is that is has never been practiced.
(Still more to come…)
posted on July 11, 2008 5:23 AM ()
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