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My Problems with Religion (Part 2)
My Problems with Religion (Part 2)
Once again, I’d like to reiterate that I am a spiritual person, and I believe in a higher power. I’m not exactly sure in what capacity this entity serves, if, in fact, it does anything. Perhaps it just sits back and enjoys Creation, letting all creatures fulfill their own destinies.
I know that I don't believe in the traditional God of which most organized religions speak. And the money-grubbing, political posturing and widespread hypocrisy that exists in traditional religions just flat-out disgusts me. Do you REALLY think that if Jesus was alive today, he’d be living in The Vatican or in the Mormon Tabernacle, surrounded by billions of dollars in riches, while people in Ethiopia are starving to death? REALLY? (But more on that in the final installment of this series of blog posts.)
What I want to know is, if there is the kind of God that the traditional religions talk about, why does everything have to be so hush-hush and so mysterious? I’m mean, if I created something as wonderful and as intricate as the universe, I’d tell everybody that I did it! I mean, every living creature on the earth would know it was me who made him or her, and they’d know my face! I’d make sure the image of my countenance was emblazoned on the freaking sun!
When I write a blog post, I can’t wait to publish it! The same thing is true when I write a short story or a play! I want people read or see what I did, and I want them to know that I did it!
What kind of a God creates this stuff, and then hides himself from his creation? Not only does he hide from his creatures, but then he turns around and lets only a handful of these creatures know that he actually exists! He tells these chosen few to tell the rest of us that there is a place called Heaven where everything is wonderful, but we can only gain entrance to the place if we believe that he exists, if we hate gays, if we hand our paychecks over to the churches so that they "can do God’s work", and if we pay homage to him. (So, people pay fortunes to these chosen few evangelists to purchase prayer cloths and rosaries and, well, whatever else these chosen few can think of in order to get masses to insure their place in Heaven, while they themselves push their own political agenda, calling it God’s Will. At the same time these Messengers from God line their pockets with pledge money!)
How can you say, "You’d better believe in me, or else!!!" and then leave not one shred of evidence to prove your existence? I mean, why cover your tracks like that? What’s the point?
If you want people to believe that you exist, what’s the harm in showing yourself? What’s the point of not showing yourself? And if you want people to thank you for making them and this wonderful world, FREAKING TELL THEM YOURSELF!!!! WHERE’S THE HARM IN THAT????!!!!
In my humble opinion, this God that we hear about cannot be found by you and me because this God doesn’t exist.
And yet, millions of people pile into churches every day, hand over billions of dollars, and will condemn and even KILL others who do not believe as they do, and all of their convictions are based ON SECOND-HAND INFORMATION!!!!
I guess that I really just don’t get it.
posted on July 10, 2008 5:22 AM ()
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Good stuff.