Some of you, from time to time, have asked me to post unobscured pictures of myself. Now, in response to a diminishing number of requests, here are a few unfettered images of my countenance.

This is me with Angel The Pony and Mariah the Palomino

With Hoo The Horse, Alyssa The Granddaughter and Dixie The Dog

In Belize with, if the expression on my face is an accurate indicator, one too many Red Stripes

In Belize. This is my "Where in the good Christ is that water taxi?" pose.

Working with children and their parents in The Dominican Republic

More Dominican work

My Honey and me in Sint Marteen

My Honey and me climbing out of a mud volcano in Colombia

Backstage last week with two wonderful cast members

I LOVE my Florida orange tree!

At The Panama Canal (It's amazing how just a few tequilas can make one so gregarious!)