Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > What a World We Live In! :O(

What a World We Live In! :O(

Jennifer Hudson's Mother And Brother Killed - Reports -

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Jennifer Hudson's Mother And Brother Killed: Reports

Filed at 7:39 p.m. ET
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The mother and brother of Academy Award-winning actress
were found shot to death in the mother's Chicago home on Friday,
media reported.
Police said they were searching for a suspect in the double homicide and also
a seven-year-old boy, possibly Hudson's nephew, who was missing from the house
on Chicago's South Side where the victims were found.
The Chicago Tribune said one of the victims was Hudson's mother, Darnell
Donnerson. The entertainment website TMZ,
citing a neighbor, said Hudson's brother Jason also was found dead.
Police said neighbors reported hearing shots in the area during the morning
but the bodies were not found until mid-afternoon.
"A missing child was possibly abducted from the scene ... and may be in the
company of William Balfour, a suspect in the double homicide investigation,"
police said in a statement, adding that the man was "considered armed and
The statement listed two vehicles Balfour may be driving. It did not say who
Balfour was or whether he was related to the family.
Police said the child was identified as Julian King, adding they believed he
was the grandson of the woman found slain.
The Tribune, quoting police, said the killings may be linked to a domestic
Hudson gained notice as a contestant on No. 1-rated U.S. television talent
show "American Idol" during its third season in 2005. She was one of 12
finalists but was voted off.
Still, her booming voice and popularity kept her touring in live shows and
eventually she earned the role as Effie White in the 2006 film version of stage
musical "Dreamgirls."
The role of soulful singer White, who is kicked out of an all-girl 1960s
singing group, earned Hudson the Oscar for best supporting actress and made her
an instant star in Hollywood.
Since then Hudson has appeared in the movie version of "Sex and the City,"
and is currently in "The Secret Life of Bees."
Media reports said Hudson was in Florida when she was told of the shootings
and was headed back to Chicago.

posted on Oct 24, 2008 5:33 PM ()


wow!just came on to see how things are going.
cannot believed this.I am shocked to hear this.Poor Jen.
comment by fredo on Oct 25, 2008 1:17 PM ()
That is so tragic!
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 24, 2008 8:01 PM ()
we have been having alot of home invasions in this area. its pretty scary. one was an elderly couple, they beat the husband up pretty bad. I keep the doors and windows locked at all times. I used to leave my back door unlocked when I was home.
comment by elkhound on Oct 24, 2008 6:29 PM ()
how tragic. Ya just gotta wonder what the world is coming to. If the family of a big star like Jennifer Hudson is vulnerable, what chance do us ordinary schmucks have. I hope they get the bastid(s) that did this and punish them to the fullest extent.

yer its just sad pal
comment by honeybugg on Oct 24, 2008 5:51 PM ()

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