classes--they have 6 different classes set up--each different times and
days--right now I am leaning towards the one on "Meditation and Relaxation" held
on 3 Tuesdays at the Whole Food Lifestyle center from %:45 PM 60 6:30 PM and is
free--they also have Kundalina Yoga on Saturdays at 9-10: 30 AM and Mondays
3:30- 6:45 PM--each is 5 sessions and cost $10--there is Kemetic yoga on
Saturday from 12:30- 2 PM 2 sessions and Wednesday 9-10:30 AM 2 sessions
$10--there is QiGong for health and longevity Sundays 5 sessions $10
On Saturdays 11AM- Noon and Sundays 9-10 AM plus Wednesdays
5:45-6:45 PM 5 sessions each at $10 and , last but not least, Hatha Yoga held on
Sundays, 4 sessions Noon-1:30 PM.
I'm opting out for the Tuesday November 4, 11, 18, the 5:45-6:60
PM sessions because of a few reasons--one being that it is most convenient time
wise for me--it is free--seems like a basic course in yoga and I might be able
le to get someone also to go which means I would have transportation--I will
also go to nay of the other classes if it means I can get a ride there and back
without interfering with my doctor appointments or too early in AM (anything
before 11!!!!)
I am, also going to join the exercise class they do here every
Tuesday at 11 AM to 11:30 AM on the breezeway