"Unknown" is a good movie if:
1) You like Liam Neeson (I do)
2) You can check your logic at the door (I can and don't pay attention to that scar that comes and goes)
3) You like car chases (they are okay and definitely aren't logical)
4) You like violence, fights, blood and killings (I don't)
You like Hitchcock-like movies with a cool blond and a everyman in a
bewildering situation (I prefer original Hitchcock movies but he isn't
making any anymore LOL)
6) You like to see cities you haven't seen before or revisit the ones you have (Berlin is new to me)
7) You don't have to guess who the obvious villains are (I do)
8) You have to guess who some of the villians are (I don't and am not good at that)
9) You like 'red herrings' (I don't)
10) You like confusing endings (I do and I don't)
Welcome to the movie "Unknown" with some good performances by Neeson, Diane Kruger, Aiden Quinn, Frank Langella, Bruno Ganz and other supporting players. I couldn't figure out the name of the actor who played Langells's 'assistant' who was very good without saying anything. Looking at January Jones all I could think of is Tippi Hedren
and I don't mean that in a good way!