Okay, where to start? I personally don't believe males are bi-sexual--yes they may go to bed
with women, they may marry women and they may have children with women
but just because they have sex with their wives twice a year and with
men the other 363 days of the year (364 in Leap Years) doesn't make them
bisexual--they boast about how 'masculine they are--talk about being in
the service--some have been married and divorced a few times--I have
known too many men who were married for years and then after the kids are grown, usually when
they hit their mid-life crisis, 'come out' having repressed their
feelings all those years. Many get married to be 'cured', to live the
American dream of a wife, 2.5 kids, the house and a career--a
husband/father is still looked upon as the reliable employee, the one
who has to work so can be depended on. An example is my friend
Allen---married, 3 kids, 2 grandchildren who finally at 60 divorced his
wife and made up for what he feels are all the years he missed. Usually
when there are arrests made in public restrooms, movie theatres and/or
rest areas along highways it is married men who are arrested.
'Closted' men live a life of lies, deceit not only to themselves but to those they supposedly love. Invariably it
is the one who 'doth protest too much', who are verbally abusive to gay
men, who 'stalk' them on the Internet are trying to hide their own
sexual desires. More than one man who has came out later in life will
announce how much they regret hurting people in their life but they feel
a relief, as if the weight of the world has been lifted off their
or old, coming out is a process that can be a long trip for some and
short for others--some never complete the process living a life of quiet
misery until they die. Some escape by going into politics, telling
everyone how religious they are or spending 24/7 on the Internet.
(And what are you thinking? LOL)
In MY opinion nothing
'turns' a man gay--he either is or isn't. Some may deny it some may hide
it, some may sublimate it and some may practice abstinence (such as in this ex-gay ministries)
but that doesn't make them heterosexual. Freedom is coming out of the closet---at any age!