On a blog I posted yesterday a 'christian' blamed the sexually,
mentally, emotionally and/or physically abused children for not making
the right choices!!! What choice do these kids have? To stay home and be
beaten down by parents who don't have enough money to pay an electric
bill and take it out on them? Or to run away and sell their body for a
sandwich? As the previous post said there are over 3 million children on
on the streets every night and this christian turned it into a
political thing pointing to the democrats to solve it so the republicans
could point the finger at them. Do you blame the victim? The abused
woman? The raped? These are CHILDREN as young as 3 (See the following
article and she is not as uncommon as you may want to think here in the
USA), who by the time they hit puberty don't even know what choice is or
what they may be.
This 'christian' blames the kids for not following the rules--what
rules? "Have sex with me", "Get my beer", "Don't cry when I beat you
with a strap". Yes, all children are not angels, far from it, and not
all kids are or become or act like their parents want them to but does
that deserve getting thrown out of the house? And, yes, some do runaway
thinking life will be easier, they will be 'free' to do what they want
but they are in the minority. Do some research and find out what is
happening instead of watching Oprah on your 40" TV screen or taking a
second job to get more 'stuff'.
When I was 16 I 'divorced' my parents, ran away from home, got a job,
an apartment (well a room) and finished going to high school and even went on to a year of college but at 16 I was mature, street smart and had already scoped out my alternatives, not something I could have done at 10 or 12 or even 14 but I started preparing for my move at 14.
Also it was a different world then and not as much 'dog eat dog' as it
is today. Neighbors cared about neighbors and they looked after your
children as well as their own.
Go to Amazon or Google and see how many books and articles have been written about this--look
up child sex trafficking--it is an epidemic. Stories are in every paper,
magazine, reality and fictional TV programs
How can anyone turn their back on a child with no place to go---for
instance in New York City they have 57 beds for 3,800 kids--nothing to
eat, being preyed upon by other kids and they in turn being preyed upon
by adults?
Where are the Right to Lifers who say keep the baby or give it up for
adoption and yet they don't adopt the babies? Where are they when the
child is sent, sometimes, to a foster home and treated as a slave? Are
they doing anything about the abuse they are seeing or are they closing
their eyes or is it that they just don't want to see it?
Read some of the quotes from the second article and tell me these kids stand a chance with 'staying at home'.
Remember this is 1 county in 1 State in the USA. It has nothing to do
with liberal, conservative, republican, democrat,Christian, non-Christian, etc. It has to do with caring for, and being, a human being, taking care of our future generation. There have been many reports about a lack of respect for old people and the increasing of their abuse
and that leaves the middle group to either turn their backs or step up
to the plate. How can you not step up to help these kids?
"Zudis, now 43, testified Tuesday about how England bought her as a 3-year-old from her mother in Vietnam and forced himself on her for more than two decades.
All the while, she testified, he warned her never to tell anyone.
Zudis testified that England impregnated her eight to nine times, five of
those before she was 16. She said she put her first-born up for adoption when
she was 13 and aborted the rest." (Most of this happened here.)
For the rest of the article:
(The comments in italics are mine-GGA also known as Great Martin)
South Florida has seen a rise in child-abuse cases and officials are calling for
more awareness after a year in which the state's social service agency has
investigated some gruesome ones.
In Broward County,
cases rose to 15,748 in 2010, compared with 14,876 the year before, according to
the state Department of Children & Families. In Palm Beach
County, cases rose to 12,183 — up from 11,947 the previous year. (One of the richest counties in the USA!)
Experts say it's things such as a pile of unpaid bills because of a poor economy
that can lead parents to excess stress and child abuse. (Blame the economy? Rich parents toss their kids out!)
"There are parents who lack some basic skills..."(Duh!)
Cases of child abuse and neglect were among some of the most heinous crimes in
Our economy is making it harder for parents to be parents," said Kelly Powell,
director of Safe Kids Palm Beach County.
"They are so tolled mentally that they are not able to provide the basic
services for their children."
In September, a man beat six children, five of whom were his own, with the flat
side of a machete west of West Palm Beach. (What choice(s) did these kids have?)
For more go to:
Please get your churches, synagogues, schools, community groups to
help these children. Volunteer for one hour, more would be great but one
hour is a start, at your local Department of Children and Families and
when your children--you know--the perfect angels-- complain about being
bored let them volunteer to help their peers. Let them know they can
turn to you, tell you, when they know of one of their friends being abused. Dare I say, suggest, you open your home to an abused child?
MTV Joins with George Clooney, Google, the United Nations and Others to Help Deter War in Sudan
NEW YORK , Jan. 7, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- MTV and mtvU, MTV's 24-hour college network, are teaming up with George Clooney and the Satellite Sentinel Project – along with Not on Our Watch, the Enough Project, Google, the United Nations UNITAR …StreetInsider.com