Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > I Spoke Too Soon!

I Spoke Too Soon!

I spoke too soon when I said "Finally----a step---a small step--in a positive direction" yesterday. After cooking up a batch of chicken, making a steak for dinner, eating it and topping it off with a banana nut muffin I was able to relax, watch TV and do some reading. I went to sleep a little after midnight and that was it.

It is now 4:30 PM and I have been more asleep than awake in the past 16 hours. I was able to get up and give myself the half hour IV but the Sunday paper is still waiting to be read and as much as I think about taking a shower (and I need one!) that' s all I do--is think about it. At least I washed my face and brushed my teeth but each is such an effort I lay down in bed and before I know it an hour or two is gone.

All the pictures above were taken over the past 21 days and you would never know I was sick but don't judge a book by its cover! It really takes an effort just to hold my head up and type this.

All I know is what I knew when I was discharged from the hospital on December 28 only to spend the worst days of my life the next 5-6 days going to the ER every day and spending 8-10 hours just to get the 30 minutes of IV because my cardiologist failed to program the nurse to visit me until I could give myself the IV! And I won't get into how my primary doctor's nurse---Michelle---bless her--saved the day by getting the IV drug to me in time this past Friday because once again the cardiologist messed up!

All I know is what I knew when I was discharged on the 28th---I have a bad blood infection that may/could get into my aorta valve (which I don't even know the cardiologist had to 'invade') and cause all sorts of problems and that I am completely exhausted!

I do go see an infectious disease specialist this Wednesday when I hope to find out something--anything--about where I stand!

And being an optimist maybe I will be hungry again! Will let you know!

Hate to admit it but looks like I (will) need a caretaker, roommate, partner, someone to share an apartment if this keeps up no matter how much I prefer living alone.

posted on Jan 16, 2022 2:20 PM ()


I'm hoping for things to get better for you.
comment by traveltales on Jan 16, 2022 7:37 PM ()
So am I! So am I!
reply by greatmartin on Jan 16, 2022 7:43 PM ()
Sounds like you overdid it for activity, cooking dinner and all that. Because you're tired, here's a short list of questions you might ask the doctor at your appointment. (I try never to go to a doctor now without a plan or crib notes.)

-- Is my exhaustion normal? How long should I expect it to last?

-- How am I doing? Am I okay? (And make sure he answers this one!)

-- Is the infection getting better? Any change to how you’re going to treat it?

-- What am I supposed to do now to get better?

-- Why do I feel so terrible, how soon should I start to feel better?
If he tries to generalize about it, say: GIVE ME A GUIDELINE, how many days?

-- What symptoms should I watch out for? (And tell him how you’ve been feeling last couple of days, any symptoms you noticed.)

-- Is there anything I shouldn’t be eating or drinking?

-- You’re not going to forget to schedule my home treatments like the other doctor did, are you? I was left alone on the holiday with no treatment started, and forced to spend a week traveling daily to the ER!!! — (You might want to say this, because he should be made aware you were put through an unnecessary ordeal.) Take care and get better!
comment by drmaus on Jan 16, 2022 5:54 PM ()
I ALWAYS have a list of questions and in this case 25 so far!!! Now to get them answered!!
reply by greatmartin on Jan 16, 2022 7:33 PM ()
Nah! You’re used to bouncing back like lightning. This time it was your heart, and you’re STILL fighting an infection, which takes up strength. Give it more time, and then some more after that. My sisters all talk about long it really takes for patients to heal after major events. This is not unexpected.
comment by drmaus on Jan 16, 2022 2:36 PM ()
The problem is I don't know what the problem is!!!!!! Plus 3 doctors and no guidance!!!
reply by greatmartin on Jan 16, 2022 3:20 PM ()

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