Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > I Have No Shame!

I Have No Shame!

I don't know what it is about YOU--the bloggers--I seem to tell YOU everything--I have no shame, I hide nothing, I tell all and here I go again!!!
won't go into too much detail but I had  a very rough night last night
to such an extent that when I walked into my primary doctor's office
today and he asked how I was doing I just burst into tears!!!! I told
him how frustrated I am with who I am today versus with who I was in
July, how disappointed I was in not getting the help from the
psychiatrist that I needed and wanted--long story short--I felt better
after--also, finally, I will be seeing an ear doctor tomorrow which has
been part of my frustrations the past 3 weeks.

Within the next 5 weeks I will be seeing: ear specialist, psychiatrist, urologist, vascular surgeon,  ophthalmologist,
heart doctor, gastroenterologist which, basically, covers the field and
I am hoping that I can finally get back on to the road of the Martin
who was.

In the words of our famous Southern belle,  Scarlett, "Tomorrow is another day."
No more tears and hopefully better ears!!!


posted on Oct 1, 2008 8:09 PM ()


Damn Martin, you sound indeed not like the Martin I know ( and we talked shortly just 2 weeks ago). I can agree with Chris' comment (and pls act like that with all suggestions he told). Try not to stress. Easy saying I know but its true. Feeling so helpless doesnt work well in the healing progress mate. What's wrong with the ears? Did I miss something? Can you talk about it well with friends? I wil try to catch you soon by phone. I care about you very much my friend (and you know that) and hope to see you feeling better soon (mentally and physical). Cant do much here for you, sorry. I only can say that you still are in my thoughts. Love you buddy!
comment by itsjustme on Oct 3, 2008 2:53 AM ()
well,not bragging here,but did not have any problems like
you have there.Maybe,I was lucky and recovered fast.
Think that okay you don't need that you should had therapy
after you got out.These people helped me a lot.
They got my strenght back and mended.
Sorry,to hear all of the problems there.
You have all these people here loving you.
Well it may not be enough but sure helped.
Hopefully when Mike and I get there,that he will be able to
guide you through.
Good luck there.Stay calm.Relaxed.
comment by fredo on Oct 2, 2008 10:23 AM ()
They're is nothing wrong with the tears you shed
And your pain and sorrow is just not in your head
That being said from this end
I'd like to give you a giant one size fits all hug my friend!!

Take care of yourself (((((Martin))))..we love you dearly
comment by redwolftimes on Oct 2, 2008 6:43 AM ()
I like what stephy commented to you! I bare my soul on my blog too and its quite refreshing to get things out there. And I also agree with hopefields that a man able to cry is a sign of strength! love you Martin!
comment by elkhound on Oct 2, 2008 4:17 AM ()
Hang in there, buddy. I don't have the answer. It will come to you. Never fear.
comment by mindanaomike on Oct 2, 2008 2:44 AM ()
Martin, Heart surgery is a MAJOR STRESSOR! You don't just survive and walk away scott-free all-better. Your body has to go through the process of getting accustomed to the fact that someone was in there playing with your heart! Medicine has come a long way, and is capable of doing stuff that we couldn't imagine a hundred years ago. The "old brain" part of our brain hasn't got used to the whole idea yet, and it is having what, to it, seems a normal response: It's freaking out! This is demonstrated by the depression and tears. tears are not just okay, they are a good thing. There are chemicals that wash out of our bodies when we cry, and they are the chemicals that make us feel bad. So crying is a good way to feel better.

Give yourself a break. You're practically just out of surgery. Thirty years ago, you would still have been in the hospital. Be patient with what some people call the "lizard" part of your brain. It's catching up as fast as it can.

By the way, there is an organization of persons who have had heart surgery, called "Mended Hearts". They mad have a group near you. you could maybe call them, have them send someone to visit you or go a few times, meet someone who has also been through it. That helped my mom following her heart surgery. Maye they can help just talking to you.
Cheers, and hang in there! Stephy
comment by thestephymore on Oct 2, 2008 12:33 AM ()
There's nothing wrong with tears, especially when we find ourselves in such frustrating circumstances. I don't doubt that you cried, because you have been through so much and have been really struggling with it. I admire a man that shows strength in a man. (to me anyway). I hope you get to receive all the help that you so need. Hang in there.
comment by hopefields on Oct 1, 2008 9:22 PM ()
Martin, as someone who has gone toe to toe with you over advice,, take some from me...quit stressing over this, it makes it worse...get that Florida state of mind back, get laid, have some something fun for yourself.

You know I love you, you old pain in the butt!
comment by thepirateinthecity on Oct 1, 2008 9:21 PM ()
It sounds like you needed to vent so there is nothing wrong with a few tears. Have you considered asking for another therapist? I know a lot of you discomofort comes from that.
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 1, 2008 8:16 PM ()

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