Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Rules/regulations for Fredo & Mike or Anyone Else

Rules/regulations for Fredo & Mike or Anyone Else

The first rule when you are staying at
my place is that after 5 minutes you are no longer a guest and I am no
longer a host. Yes, as a host I will supply you with clean linens and
towels but anything else you want/need you get for yourself. Sure I'll
tell you where the glasses,coffee mugs, etc., are but you will pour your own orange juice when you want it!

Your section of the apartment.

I am neither a neatnik
or a slob. I do throw my shirts over the back of chairs but I don't
leave dirty dishes in the sink.  If you see something dirty and it
annoys you, trust me, I won't stop you from cleaning it. Don't waste
your time and energy straightening out the pictures as the birds will
perch on them and throw them off kilter.

about birds and dirt--yes, you will find 'down' and/or feathers all
over--just be glad it isn't poop!!! (By the way when out of the bed
cover it with the plastic sheets on the chair--poop insurance!!LOL)

you arrive the sofa bed will be opened and made up. You do not have to
close it up as, in fact, it will be more convenient to just leave it
open for a quick nap after the beach, to lay down on to watch TV. You
will have your own corner of the place with the bed, the TV, an air
conditioner that you can put on any setting you want.

There is a
2 drawer dresser for you to put clothes, etc., in and you will have
half+ of the hall closet to hang your clothes. Aside from a  pair of
pants and, maybe, a sweater all you really need are bathing suits,
shorts and short sleeve shirts, sandals or flip-flops and a pair of
shoes for the theatre.

You are on vacation, and I love eating
out, so plan on dining out. We might go to one or two expensive
restaurants, say for seafood, but remember I know all the buffets and
inexpensive but good places to eat. All checks will be divided by the
number of people at the table no matter who orders what.

You come
and go when and where you like. I will offer some suggestions as far as
sightseeing goes but I may not join you on all the trips. Hopefully,
between Allen, Gino, John and my borrowing Cookie's car, transportation
shouldn't be a problem. Basically everything you could want, including
the beach, is within walking distance or you can always walk to Sunrise
Blvd to get the bus.

The only time you have to show caution in
the apartment is between 4-9 PM when the birds are out of the cage and
you have to be careful coming in and going out. It is also at that time
that I bring the blind down where the plants are or the birds will eat
them! Their cages are covered from 11 PM to about 11 AM and they will
not bother you in the morning except for a 'cheep' now and then during
that time. :O) They, like most birds, are noisy at sundown and, occasionally, during the day but not in an annoying way.

will stop at the supermarket on your first day if you want/need some
things that I have forgotten to get or that I didn't think of getting.

will try to order perfect tourist weather for you but if that doesn't
happen don't blame me! Just remember we don't get ice, snow, sleet or
freezing temperatures and more than likely it will be warmer here than
where you live!

I am not a morning person so if you are go
ahead and do what you want before 10:30 AM--go to the pool, the beach,
take a walk, enjoy the Point and/or the breezeway. I really don't come
'alive' until about 1 PM. In the evening I, generally, don't turn off
the TV until 11:25 after the fantasy5 numbers are given and though I
will go into the bedroom around midnight or so I don't go to sleep
until about 2 or later.

Remember you are NOT a guest and I am NOT
a host. This place is YOUR home away from home so enjoy it, do what you
want to do and nothing you don't want to do. If you want to use the
computer go ahead.

This is a strong sun and though you 'never burn' more than one
person has come to regret thinking that way so take it easy in the sun
the first couple of days.

Keep in mind that I have lived alone for over 25 years and the only people I have had stay over night are Chuck and Terry who didn't need me to entertain them but I will do my best to make you think/say, "That was a great vacation!"

posted on Jan 10, 2009 1:59 PM ()


comment by itsjustme on Jan 12, 2009 4:44 AM ()
No problem Martin.We will do our best to make you also comfortable.
Mike and I appreciated this offer.I hope that we will not be in the way as you can continued on your lifestyle.
This is our first time in visiting Florida.
Yes,we been to the airport and that how far we got.
We are happy for this invite and will not upset your way of living.
I do understand that you eat out a lot and we are aware of this.
We will talk about this when we see you.
The birds are no problem as I mentioned to you before about my niece Connie with her bird and we had a good time with it.
We are very easy to pleased.If you need anything from NH let us know.
We will have so much to talk about.
Okay,this is it.Got the message.
comment by fredo on Jan 10, 2009 2:14 PM ()
Sounds like these are all rules that are not too hard to follow.
comment by lunarhunk on Jan 10, 2009 2:00 PM ()

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