We know
there will be many of you eating chocolate every day, so we thought we
would provide a few rules and helpful hints about it for you.

1. If you have melted chocolate all over your hands you are eating it too slowly.
Chocolate covered raisins, cherries, oranges and strawberries all count
as fruit, so it as many as you want, they're good for you.
3. When you have a problem, gettign two pounds of chocolate home from the store in your hot car, just eat it in the parking lot instead.
4. For dieters--eat a choco0late bar before each meal, it will spoil your appetite.
5. A box of chocolates can provide your daily intake of calories in one place. Isn't that handy?
6. If you can't eat all your chocolate, there is something wrong with you.
7. If you eat equal amounts of white and dark chocolate, you ahve a balanced diet.
8. Chocolate contains many preservatives. Preservatives make you look young.
9. If you ever wondered why there is no such thing as Choco-holics Anonymous, it's because no one wants to quit eating it, EVER!
10. If there was no chocolate, there would be no need for control-top pantyhose. An entire industry would be abolished.
If you put "Eat Chocolate" on your daily list of things to do, you'll
always accomplish one thing you set out to do, every day.
Calories are afraid of heights. If you store your chocolate on top of
the fridge or on a high shelf, the calories will jump out of the
chocolate to protect themselves.