Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > You Pay for Your Sins! Lol

You Pay for Your Sins! Lol

After my primary doctor listened to me moan and groan for a few minutes then he looked me in the eyes and asked,

“Did you smoke 2-3 packs a day for over 60 years?”

Me “Yes!”

Doc “Did you eat whatever you wanted for 60 years?”

Me “Well, for thirty years!”

Doc “Did you have record breaking sex?”

Me  “Yes!”

Doc  “Have you spent most of you life not exercising?”

Me  “Yes!”

Doc “Then what the hell are you complaining about?”

“Having COPD, PAD, high cholesterol, high blood pressures, congestive
heart failure, an aorta valve replacement, Afib, just to mention a few
things, plus taking 9 medicines to keep them all where they should be.”

Doc  “I have patients that have all that and didn’t abuse their body as much or for as long. Would you want to be one of them?”

I shook my hear “No” and went into the lab to get my pre-op blood taken for my appointment with my vascular surgeon.

got up at 7 AM  (UGH!) and got to his office by 8:30 AM --I arrived
home at 6 PM! I was an out patient and for an hour an a half (as usual
he was running late) I was on the table as he inserted a balloon and 2
stents. I don’t understand the whole process but it seemed he unblocked 2
areas, opened the veins a little wider and now walking should be a
little easier---at least in the left foot. It seems the right food has 2
blocked areas that he could only work on in a hospital and I would have
to stay there 2-3 days. He said my right leg has 55% efficiency and
that unless it hurts or I want to go through the surgery he suggested I
hold off--so I am.

The main reason I have decided to put it off
is that I still have to have that left eye cataract surgery and I have
some dental bridge work in the immediate future.

aside--he said that I had a resistance to drugs and they had to give me a
double dose. It didn’t ‘knock’ me out but put me in a sleepy mood and I
didn’t feel anything.

The reason I was so late getting home I
had to stay at his office 4 hours so they could monitor the wound, make
sure I held my foot straight out on the bed and didn’t strain myself.
Plus I should add they served me a Subway sandwich, chips and
coffee--hey I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink anything since midnight!
Did you want me to fade away?

Back to my primary doctor who ended our original conversation  with, “You are just paying for your sins of yesterday!”

bottom line---I hate to admit it was worth it but for those of you
young ones who don’t want to spend retirement going from doctor to
doctor now is THE time to NOT abuse your body in any way!

posted on Jan 15, 2014 4:15 PM ()


I am glad I had the fun I did before Ted got too old to keep up with me.!
A spartan youth is going to leave you with nothing but health in your old
age and zilch for remembering. Burn that candle at both ends, kids!!
comment by elderjane on Jan 16, 2014 3:42 AM ()
Well as blunt as your doctor was he did have a point, you have packed a lot of living into your years here. And now with a little moderation you will be able to give us the pleasure of your company for quite a few more.
comment by redwolftimes on Jan 15, 2014 7:01 PM ()
In your case I think the only "moderation" you will find will be in the dictionary.
reply by redwolftimes on Jan 18, 2014 8:10 AM ()
What does 'moderation' mean?????
reply by greatmartin on Jan 15, 2014 7:40 PM ()
Oh, the young ones won't listen, but since I'm younger than you, but old enough to understand what you're saying, I'll keep it in mind and go eat some raw spinach for supper.
comment by troutbend on Jan 15, 2014 4:41 PM ()
Cooked in bacon grease I hope!
reply by greatmartin on Jan 15, 2014 5:13 PM ()

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